Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by may, May 25, 2008.

  1. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    you can soon tell if they are not well they stop eating and pooing , i always know when it is time to get a new light because she goes off her food ,as soon as the new light is in place she is back to her normal self .
  2. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    my iggy has been places most other iggys have not been too:) a few years ago when our son still lived at home he left all the doors open as it was a very hot summer that year ,and forgot that he had let iggy out of her enclosure , i came back from work and said where is iggy ? oh no she had disappeared , we searched everywhere in the neighbors gardens but no she was gone .

    anyway we put a picture of her in the local post office window and said to ring us if she was seen, the post office was at the back of our house .

    a whole week went by and we really thought that she must be lost or dead because if they get to cold they can die .

    but after 7 days we had a phone call to say that she was walking in the middle of the road right out side the post office , we think that she must have been eating the veggies in the house at the back of ours for a whole week and then went for a stroll , and the fact that it was a really hot summer as well means she survived .
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thought you'd like to know the awful truth where Iggy went May..... :p:D

  4. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008

    i might of known , she does love the sun :D she could have taken me with her
  5. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    ok, another story about Iggy:)

    A number of years ago, when our son was younger, he looked after his friends iguana when he went on his holidays, his friends iguana was a lot younger than our iguana, it was still a juvenial and it was a male iguana, ours was a female.

    i said to my son ,whatever you do , dont let them mate i dont want a house full of baby iguanas .

    any way one day my son came up to me looking real guilty looking :o

    yes you have guessed he let them mate :eek:

    our iggy got fatter and fatter i thought she was going to burst, and then she started to scrach all over her cage tring to find a place to lay her eggs , because in the wild they lay their eggs in the ground and then the little iggys hatch from the ground like the turtles do .

    at about that time when she was ready to lay we were ourselves going on our holidays abroad , we had already booked her into the place that boarded reptiles , as we always did when we went on our hols , we explained to them that there was a chance she would lay eggs while they were looking after her, they said to us would you like us to incubate the eggs :eek: and then if we have any live iggys we can sell them and we can go halfies, i didnt know what to do, i didnt realize that after laying they would need to be incubated for a few months.

    so when we came back from our 2 week hols we went to collect iggy, and she had laid 47 eggs:eek:

    i could not believe the size of those eggs they looked like hard boiled eggs with no shells on ,and were about half the size of a chickens egg. no wonder her belly was huge.

    anyway she seemed to survive it all and came home with us, then about 1 week later she suddenly produced 3 more eggs but they were very deformed and looked like empty eggs .

    then about 3 months later the people who were incubating the eggs phoned us to say that all the eggs were infertile and there would not be any little iggys.

    at first i thought that they had sold them all on and made some money ,but i think they were telling the truth because in a book on iguanas it did say that if the male iguana is only juvenial the eggs could be infertile.

    so there we have it , my iggy has not only been on a weeks freedom holiday when she got lost ,but she has also produced eggs , and the people at the reptile place told us that she must be in very good health to have got through it in captivity.
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Wow may, what an interesting time you've had with Iggy. I just thought 'aaahhh' at first, but after hearing her stories i'm starting to think 'aaawww'.

    You are certainly doing a good job with here. Never thought about what happens to pet reptiles when they're owners go on holiday! something else i've learned today.

  7. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    i dont know what we would do without the people who board reptiles when the owners go on holiday , Iggy is not the sort of pet that you can just leave with the neighbors, most people think she is going to eat them :D

    The people who have Iggy are real reptile lovers i think , because when we drop Iggy off it is to their house and they have lots of different tanks all over their house with little lizards and terrapins in them which they are looking after for people , but they have one really good large enclosure made just right for Iguanas .

    i really dont know what i would do with out them , and it only cost me about 30 pounds for 2 weeks to board Iggy there.
  8. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    as you say, may, people who would look after Iggy are prone to love reptiles, as most people when it comes to the reptiles/spider/mice part of a pet shop turn away disgusted or afraid.
    I would love to take care of a reptile during the owner holidays, even if, right now "I am hatching my own eggs" (eheheh, so to speak...), but in due time...well, you gave me an idea there! Maybe I could ask at my local pet shop, whose lady owner is more like a butcher than a pet lover, if somebody needs an iguana-sitter...
  9. may

    may Gardener

    May 25, 2008
    If you did you would first have to set up the right enclosure with the right lights and heat .
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