Indecent Proposal

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by **Yvonne**, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. **Yvonne**

    **Yvonne** Total Gardener

    Jun 24, 2012
    Hi guys

    I need to unload, and you lot have been known for your wise words in past :biggrin:. I have been with the same company for nearly 6 years now and seen a lot of change.

    However 2 years ago a new MD was taken on and things went downhill quite quickly. He comes from a retail background and has absolutely no understanding of the medical sector at all, and even two years down the line he is still making very bad decisions.

    He has alienated the entire sales team, he despises anyone who speaks up against his decisions or express any concerns at all. He surrounds himself with Yes men and is slowly eradicating everyone who he considers "negative".

    It's now my turn. He put a Yes man along side me in the company in January and instructed me to hand over 50% of my work load. I asked if I would be given other work to replace this, and was assured I would be. This has not happened and 2 days ago I was ambushed at a "catch up" meeting with my line manager, the HR girl turned up and the pair of them offered an "without prejudice"offer of 3 months salary plus other enhancements to stand down and allow the Yes man to take my job.

    The last two years have been hell! My health has seriously suffered and I have had panic attacks and suffered depression so this light at the end of the tunnel came as a relief but I don't want to rush into any decisions. I will be getting legal advice next week.

    What are your thoughts?
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    • Beckie76

      Beckie76 Total Gardener

      Jan 26, 2015
      Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
      Hi Yvonne, firstly I'm sorry you have this going on the MD sounds like a right twit!
      Nothing is worth it if it's making you unwell, however I don't know much about HR but I'd say you have been bullied & I think the way you have been treated is a disgrace, I'm not sure but I think you might have a legal case here. Don't make any decisions until you have got some advice, I wish you the best of luck, please let us know how you get on, but most importantly please look after yourself :grphg:. I'm sorry I can't be of anymore help than that.
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      • rosebay

        rosebay budding naturalistic gardener!

        Mar 5, 2015
        Full Time Person....OK, pensioner!
        How badly do you want to stay at this job? To me it sounds very oppressive, unhealthy with no prospect of that changing. Have you considered another job in this field?
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        • redstar

          redstar Total Gardener

          Aug 6, 2008
          Domestic Goddess
          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
          have you been documenting issues along the way, date, time etc. that helps if you do want to get legal assistance. Sorry for your stress, I know that feeling, had a crazy boss once years ago, did a lot of praying at the time, and documentation. Thank goodness, I had enough credibility under my belt throughout the corporation, that they got me out of there and fired her. And got me a 30% raise to make me happy.
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          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            I think the workplace generally is a lot more ruthless and devious in their malpractices nowadays and I am so glad I'm well out of it. We are always here Yvonne if you need to touch base,
            • Agree Agree x 4
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            • **Yvonne**

              **Yvonne** Total Gardener

              Jun 24, 2012
              I'm desperate to go, and have every intention of using this chance to escape. HR have turned a blind eye to the bullying, stating personality clashes. To give you 1 example of how bad this company is, 1 manager bullied a male member of staff so badly, he broke down at his desk, sobbing. the manager's response? to ask him if he was gay!!??? He walked out that day without another job to go to and we still employ the cow!!! It's been the complete injustice and lack of professional handling which has added to my health going down the pan and I suspect things will only get worse as more of the staff who don't tolerate this, are pushed towards the door. The guy who is replacing me, is younger, less experienced and much cheaper. There is no question what they are doing is unlawful, as they are passing all my work load to him so claiming they have to make redundant, as they are proposing is simply laughable.

              The question in my head is, how quietly do I go?
            • Gwen austin

              Gwen austin Gardener

              Feb 1, 2015
              Tea technician
              Yvonne I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. I have just been through this, fortunately I am a fellow of law of many years with a good reputation with the downside my employers were the largest employment lawyers with many accolades. I do agree that the stress isn't worth it. If you are able to walk into another job then you're quids in. It would be best to find out if this is a reality. I'm only Scottish qualified so don't know English law and there will be differences. I'm a litigator in health and safety and industrial disease so only have my personal experience to share when it comes to employment law. What they are offering if it comes with a reference is a reasonable deal under Scottish law and a tribunal isn't likely to award more. Get some advice from someone English qualified. You can message me personally anytime. I may only be a sounding board but use every avenue open to you and don't isolate yourself. Once again sorry it's happening to you. I recommend that after finding out job prospects contact ACAS. Stay strong
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              • Jenny namaste

                Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                Mar 11, 2012
                retired- blissfully retired......
                Battle, East Sussex
                What an amazing Shedload of grand folks we have here in the Gardeners Corner. It never ceases to amaze me,
                Jenny namaste
                • Agree Agree x 2
                  Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
                • Spruce

                  Spruce Glad to be back .....

                  Apr 10, 2009
                  Hi Yvonne,
                  Sorry to read this about you:grphg: , any opportunity's with other medical companies ?
                  With all your contacts you would be very useful to another company , sounds like you wanted to go and/but at the same time being offered a way out don't make you feel good about yourself if you had another job lined up that would be ideal.

                  As Gwen already mentioned you require a employment lawyer for the best advice, the economy is slowly picking up so prospect wise more on offer than two years ago.
                  Sorry I cant do more ....

                  All it takes is one bad apple .....
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                  • redstar

                    redstar Total Gardener

                    Aug 6, 2008
                    Domestic Goddess
                    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                    if they have done job evaluations of your performance over the years, and you have copies. (hope you do) you can find the area where it covers the "playing well with others" that gives you leverage . Because "suddenly" your clashing with someone, "really?".

                    Also evaluate if other females are being attacked that way, or your age group. If it is only you, female in your age group, then you also can wave the flag on that one.
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                    • miraflores

                      miraflores Total Gardener

                      Apr 16, 2006
                      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                      Hi Yvonne. Sorry to hear about your problem. Based on the scenario that you present, I would look for another job whist working there, or leave with the 3months payment. The manager, he may well be in the wrong line of work himself, but he is up there and paying his employees and therefore deciding who suits him best. Good luck!!
                      • Friendly Friendly x 2
                      • Autumn bliss

                        Autumn bliss Total Gardener

                        Aug 27, 2014
                        Scottish Highlands
                        Hi Yvonne..sorry to hear about your problem.Sounds to me that you are being bullied at work and i for one would get a good lawyer and not let this company push you out of the door..Hope things work out for you my friend:grphg:
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                        • Paullypaul

                          Paullypaul Gardener

                          Feb 9, 2015
                          Planning Manager
                          Croydon, Greater London

                          some good bits of advice above. Jenny Namaste is right that its all too ruthless and in my opinion its part of modern Britain. Inappropriate freedom and inappropriate tolerance has meant that there is no "wrong way" of doing things. People are punished hard for unintended interpreted racism or sexism but bullies like this can walk away with a smug smile when they have driven somebody to the point of suicide. Unpleasant word and i offer apologies for that, but I have seen it happen. And the situation is generally accepted with polite silence.

                          Java, Redstar and Backie have said things above which I think are spot on.

                          I don't know what Gwen's garden looks like but she sounds like your best windfall from this site.

                          So my advice. The diary thing is very good. Learn how to use the voice recorder on your mobile phone and record intimidation and abuse. Even if not legally admissible it gives balanced people a perspective that is invaluable when assessing the situation. You are under stress so you cannot think straight. Can you get a week or two off work? The best place to think it through is away from there in peace and quiet. Go to the doctor and get assessed for stress. Their paperwork might be useful later and you never know what critical medical help you might need with the impact of all this is having on your health at the moment so its a double win. Don't go lightly on legal advice, it could be your professional and financial life line.

                          All in my own humble opinion, let us know how you get on! Don't let the B**stds get you down!
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                            Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
                          • Paullypaul

                            Paullypaul Gardener

                            Feb 9, 2015
                            Planning Manager
                            Croydon, Greater London
                            Oh Yes I nearly forgot. The point raised by Rosebay. Good point. If you can get a bit of time off "to consider their proposal". Work like crazy on the other options, and then in between, with a cup of tea, start applying for other jobs. You might get part way through and realise its better to move on and up and treat them like the mud on your boots after a hard day in the garden.
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                            • Fat Controller

                              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                              May 5, 2012
                              Public Transport
                              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                              Yvonne, that is simply an awful way to be treated. I am a manager myself, and I would be horrified if my staff thought of me as a bully.

                              What they are doing is essentially constructive dismissal, however proving that can be quite difficult, and a lengthy process.

                              Are they in the wrong - absolutely!
                              Could you fight it - yes, but do you want to?
                              Could they play even nastier if you don't take their offer - most probably. Sadly, all they need to do is change the job role, give it a new title and then invite you and Mr Yes to apply - - he gets the job, you are redundant, and no better off than you are now really; the only difference would be the length of time that you have an income coming in.

                              Truthfully, only you can know what is the right decision to make, and arriving at your conclusion might be easier than you think if you just (honestly) answer a few questions:

                              Do you still want your current job?
                              Are you prepared to put up a fight for it, or a fight to get a better leaving package?
                              If you accept the offer, can you afford to risk being without an income for a while if you don't get a new job?
                              Do you want to stay in the same line of work?
                              If yes, is that sort of work available in your area?
                              If no, what do you want to do and is it available in your area?

                              If you answer the above honestly, you should know what your decision is. If that decision is that you just want to get out, then so be it - but consider pushing them for a better package. Lay on the 'I am being unfairly treated/constructive dismissal' routine and see if you can get them to up their offer to 4, 5 or even 6 months.

                              Good luck!
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