Indoor gardening!?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by just_another_manic_newbie, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. just_another_manic_newbie

    just_another_manic_newbie Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 21, 2008
    Hello... I mentioned in a thread I made in the 'introduce yourself' section that I don't have a garden (live in a flat), but am vastly (and newly) interesting in plant cultivation. I have lots of room in my flat though, with plenty of light (and I'm sure with careful mirror placement I could flood every corner with (re-directed) sunshine).

    I was wondering though, as I am literally a total manic newbie, with absolutely no experience apart from keeping a few small cacti, if it is possible to have a nice, rich and varied 'indoor garden'... obviously minus a lawn!

    I'm mostly interested in strange, exotic, otherwordly looking types of plant, and of course cacti, I'd ideally like to create an 'alien jungle' of my home. I'm just starting my research into these sorts of plants, so more of what I'll eventually decide on later (any resource links would be wonderful, please), I have decided I'd really like Virginia creepers (or similar) climing some of my walls and ceilings... is this at all possible indoors, or am I crazy for thinking like this? I understand these to use 'sticky pads' instead of pentrating vines, so they're not going to cause any damage. Is that correct? Would they even stain or leave marks on the walls at all?

    Please, if I am talking crazy (I get the distcint feeling I may be!), someone put me straight!
  2. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    I see no reason why you can't have an indoor garden.
    Just try different plants and see what likes to grow best.

    I don't know much about growing creepers indoors only because I'd think that that they might leave marks on the wall....but I'm sure someone on here with a vast knowledge will give you the correct answer.
  3. coub

    coub Gardener

    Mar 25, 2008
    Hello JAMN

    The person you want advise from as far as something diferent indoors and if it can be done when to do it etc is Tropical Gaz
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Diffenbachia(SP?) would create some jungle-looking plants, and grow pretty big. For a climber you could consider something like Passion Flower - that has weird flowers that will make a bit of a talking point.

    I would suggest you consider some artificial lighting (i.e. lamps designed for plants). You don't have to have them on when folk come round, but they will make a big difference to the plant's ability to grow "naturally".

    Best not to make too much of a spike in the local electricity consumption though otherwise the Boys in Blue will be round to see if you are growing something to smoke!
  5. just_another_manic_newbie

    just_another_manic_newbie Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 21, 2008
    Great! Thanks for the advice guys, it's good to know it's possible!

    @ Init sister - Yeah, I thought they might have left marks too... but it's not like I'll be going anywhere for a while with the housing markets the way they are at the mo, and I'm sure it's nothing a lick of new paint won't fix. Thanks for your reply.

    @ coub - Thanks, I'll message Tropical Gaz and direct him this way.

    @ Kristen - Thanks, I'll take a look at your suggestions (I have borrowed a few books from the library on keeping tropical plants and the like indoors, so I'll see if what you've suggested are in any of them). Yeah, lighting is a good idea too, but never mind the boys in blue, it'd more likely be my electricity bill I'd be worried about!


    PS - I have just noticed there's a specific forum area for my line of questioning, are there any moderators around who can move this thread?
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Manic regarding the climbing plants you could always make (or buy) a stunning trellis for your plants to grow up and through that way the only mess it will leave is some little holes that you can always fill if and when you next decorate.

    Kristen's idea for a passion flower will look simply stunning growing on your walls and it's little tentacles will soon twist round and latch onto the trellis work and will really give you the WOW
  7. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :thumb: A friend of mine lived in a flat overlooking the river & the plants they had was brilliant... So I gave her a call.. Allot of tropical plants we have as houseplants anyway here are some of the plants they had.
    Palms, Parlour & Date.
    Lots of different ferns. So many in the end all different kinds & colours.
    Jasmins that flowered at night & smelt gorgeous.
    Bromelaids.. like Guzmanias Urn plants, Sword plants.
    Musa Bananas, a couple of different kinds
    Haucheras dotted in between & anything she saw that took her fancy..
    She even had a Brugmansia & a Datura as well....:D

    :thumb: So I certainly think it is possible...:) She now lives in the country & some of these still live in her garden room there.....:thumb::D
  8. faithworks

    faithworks Apprentice Gardener

    May 19, 2005
    I have grown a passion flower from a fruit I bought at the greengrocers last year. It has beautiful glossy dark green leaves, has now reached the ceiling and growing along the curtain rail, but it has produced no flowers. As it was getting so large I have had to cut it back a bit. Will it ever produce any flowers?
  9. anakat

    anakat Gardener

    Sep 14, 2007
    A friend of mine is growing a living canopy over her bed


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