Lawn Issues

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by Zola, May 18, 2018.

  1. Zola

    Zola Gardener

    Jun 1, 2015
    N. Ireland
    Some of you will know I have been battling a lawn for a few years now, its slowly getting in shape, but there is a lot of work needed still.

    From far back, you might think it looks not too bad, but when you walk around it and look closely there are issues that need sorting.


    Would really appreciate any advice.

    So far this year I have done a light scarifying with my machine, a light pass over, which removed a stuffed bin, full of moss and thatch.

    I have fed the lawn a bit of compost and worked that in. I have then applied a couple of servings of miracle gro lawn feed, water soluble. I have two lush green stripes which to me look good, but the tricky part is getting all of the lawn to look like this!

    Below I will post the issues I see, what do I need to do?



    ^ thin area, which looks like it has more thatch wanting to be teased out - spring tine rake it each week maybe?


    ^ Some weeds here and there, only in a few small areas.

    What should my action plan be?
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    The two lush stripes look to be mown at a higher setting, I wonder if you are cutting too low on the rest of your lawn. Or maybe the two lush stripes are where you have fertilised?
  3. Zola

    Zola Gardener

    Jun 1, 2015
    N. Ireland
    Its possible that the feed from my spreader went on those stripes more. Its a bit clogged now from previous iron feeds last year.

    I tried to level this up with the watering can and lawn feed on the bare areas but its still early days.

    Am I ok to use the spring tine rake once a week to gently tease out the thatch? also would i need to spread more compost and seed on those thinner areas, or is the thatch a seriously problem that needs a deeper ripping out ?

    What about the weeds?
  4. Liz the pot

    Liz the pot Total Gardener

    Jul 1, 2015
    Looks like it’s an uneven spray of fertiliser.
    Normally you need to work out the area size then calculate the amount of fertiliser but rather than baffle you a little tip is to use a dye in the liquid so you can see where you have been.
    The equipment needs to be clean so that you have an even spray.
    If I remember correctly it’s quite a high N on their lawn feed with a very low percentage of iron.
    You don’t want to go crazy removing the thatch unless you have pulled several plugs to check the thatch level.
    Also raise the height a little.
    Do you ever use granular feeds?
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