Lawnmower advice

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by Rider, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Rider

    Rider Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 12, 2009
    Hello - can anyone give me any advice on a new lawnmower purchase. It's for a residential, medium sized garden. From searches, I've done on this forum, I can see that rotary (with roller) seems the way to go over cylindar. I don't really want to spend more than £250/£300 but I would like a decent build and something that will last. Can anyone give any recommendations on any brand/models which are currently on the market. I don't mind petrol/electricity but thought I'd try to steer away from the battery ones - just one more thing to go wrong in my mind.

    Thank very much and enjoy the sunny weekend!
  2. plant1star

    plant1star Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    I would look at the basic models of Honda and Hayter mowers. I have used both, and they both have good and bad points. I would also go to a local dealer, and ask for the best possible price they can give. I know that some dealers can offer you list price including vat on some products.

    The cylinder in my opinion is the best cut, but for a domestic lawn, a rotary mower with a roller gives an excellent finish, especially with the stripes.

    Hope this Helps!
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I think a driver roller is better than driven rear wheels - drop a rear wheel over the lawn edge and it scalps the lawn - whereas the roller can be half-on / half-off.

    I've got a John Deere which has a metal roller - which slips easily. So some sort of rubber coating might be better.

    Capacity of the grass bag would be my next criteria, and how well it fills when the grass is a bit wet. I think I've seen a gadget where you pull a string and it compresses the grass bag to half, then the remainder can fill before it all has to be emptied. Mind you, might be too heavy to lift by then!

    Every time I buy a new mower it comes with yet more health & safety annoyances, which add weight and decrease convenience. Worth checking how all that stuff works on your chosen model

    Personally I much prefer a Cylinder for a nice finish, but I still have a rotary to get round the roughter and more fiddly bits.
  4. Rider

    Rider Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 12, 2009
    Thanks guys. I'll take all that on board and let you know how I get on.
  5. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    If you can find one in the price bracket get a honda. IMO best to avoid anything with a briggs engine.
  6. Iceni

    Iceni Gardener

    Mar 29, 2008
    Don't rule out battery, if Li-on (Lithium Ion)
    The Bosch Rotak battery cuts as well as an electric and will do a decent size lawn on one charge, plus they recharge to 80% in 30 mins so you can have a tea break then do the rest if its that big
  7. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    How bigs the lawn, how often will you mow, and is it level and easily mown - not lots of small curvy edges. How will you get rid of the clippings. Do you want nice stripes
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