Lemon Tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by stuey, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. stuey

    stuey Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 9, 2008
    i have managed to get a lemon pip growing !!!!

    its all help from this site

    cheers guys

  2. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
  3. greengiant

    greengiant Gardener

    Jun 8, 2008
    Nice one! When I tried to start mine off, I used about 5 or 6 in one pot. I left them for Lord knows how many months in compost and it got to the stage where I was just going to throw the lot away because nothing was happening. Somehow, amongst what looked like grass, there were two small leaves. Just out of curiosity, I picked away a little dirt to reveal that s was in fact one of my pips that had germinated! It's now about 40cm tall and doing well (I think).

    Just wondering, what kind of medium did you pot your pip in (standard compost etc)?

    Oh and what other projects have you got going there (I see some other plants in the background)?
  4. stuey

    stuey Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 9, 2008
    oh lordy, just realised how filthy my window is, hope the missus dont see this pic :o

    someone mentioned this method somewhere on this forum.

    i started 2 pips off in a jar of water. I also put bit of card board on top of my radiator and put the jar on that. So the water was warmed up sometimes of the day.

    only one actually split. It was left in the jar of water for many many weeks, i've lost count.

    Then all i did was put the pip that had developed the bit of root into a pot of compost. Then a few weeks later, out the little fella pops.

    Never been so chuffed! ( how sads that :o )

    The pics on the other side of the window are some herbs, basil, oregano and sage in with a few bedding plants.

    Other stuff happening in my garden can be seen here
  5. greengiant

    greengiant Gardener

    Jun 8, 2008
    Nothing sad about that at all. In fact, the realisation that something you've tried to grow from seed, has actually begun to grow is as sweet a feeling you can get.

    Nice selection of plants/herbs. :thumb:
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