
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by markbutcher, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. markbutcher

    markbutcher Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 26, 2009
    I have a moss not a lawn that I have left to itself for a few years. However I have just pollarded the Lime trees that shaded it and it now gets plenty of light. I have been attacking it with a grass rake, hard work! I have taken 50 litres of moss per square metre out but it still is mainly moss with bare bits. I want to reseed it. I have used a domestic scraifier in the past which did little, the grass rake is effective but as I said hard work.

    I would be grateful for some advice on how best to prepare and reseed it. There is about 80 square metres facing East in Scotland.


  2. gerkin50

    gerkin50 Gardener

    Dec 7, 2006
    sounds like the shade was the cause of your problem
    you need to turn over the surface as it will be compacted
    rake level
    then walk all over the surface working your heels into the surface to settle and force out any air pockets
    if sowing seed you need to get a fine tilth on the surface of soil break up any remaining lumps with head of rake and rake level again
    sow seed and water in making sure that the area dosnt dry out until the lawn is established
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