mountfield mower

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by happymundays, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. happymundays

    happymundays Gardener

    Apr 20, 2008
    Hello any thoughts, I just impulsively bought a second hand Mountfield with honda gcv135 4.5 engine from a furniture shop there is no petrol in it and the man could not confirm if it's sound.
    It looks in good condition and £ 75.00 he has given me a week to test it and will give full refund if I'm not happy.

    Should I get it serviced to be on safe side or just refuel and try my luck.

    There was no instructions cannot see a primer so guess just pull the rope?

  2. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    before you pay out for a service (£75) check for oil and then make sure the spark plug is ok.
    Check the blade is secure and looks straight with no large dents from hitting a big object (have spark plug unconnected when doing this)

    Fill with petrol and turn on the tap. This version has no primer. Push the trottle forward and pull.

    Thats my advice but its up to you if you follow it.

    Good luck
  3. happymundays

    happymundays Gardener

    Apr 20, 2008
    The service is £50 and extra for parts I paid £75 for the mower.

    I will have a go.
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