Moving goldfish

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by borrowers, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi all, can I have some advice please? I have one goldfish that has lived all his life (14 years) in the same size tank which is about 3' long, 1' deep by 2'high. This is in a unit etc and has now become way too heavy etc for us. If I move him from this into a table top type tank about 2' long do you think it will kill him?

    He didn't always live on his own hence the bigger tank, but has been for about 5 years now. He is about 4-5" so not a little goldfish as such. What do you reckon people?

  2. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    As I too have a single Large goldfish in a similar sized tank, I have noticed they grow according to the size. I have been advised that down-sizing a tank Could finish them off, so I would suggest leaving it where it is. To move the actual tank, you could place the fish in a seperate container (Use a net, Not your hands) while you shift the current one, by syphoning as much water as possible out, then shifting it to the new location, refill it and allow at least 8 - 12 hours with the pump going to airate the water before putting the fish back in. Whatever you do, do Not try shifting a tank with water in, because it could so easily break, losing everything in it and possibly getting yourself cut in the bargain.

    I used this method when I moved 18 months ago and it worked fine, so hope it is of some help to you.
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks for your reply Mikkel. I have moved and emptied/filled this tank many times! Actually, it is the 2nd tank I've had to have cos I made that very mistake with the first one, oops!

    As my fish is 14/15 years old I don't think it is going to grow any bigger now will it, it hasn't in the last 8 years. It is just the upkeep of the tank, plus the actual size of it that is the problem. It's a shame but we aren't getting any younger or fitter so I thought maybe this would be the answer. The smell is not pleasant and when we are both down with the flu I'm afraid it gets neglected.

    My husband has suggested putting it in a bowl - the toilet bowl:(. he wouldn't dare but he just can't understand how I keep one homely goldfish in a tank that size, lol. Maybe we'll have to look around for some young hunks to help us out!

    Thanks again.

  4. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    Had I not lived so far away from you Borrowers, I would have offered to do it for you. I enjoy challenges like this.

    My 'Goldie' is about 7" long and I can't remember how old, but must be getting on. I started off with 8 in the tank, but sadly a few of them died pretty quick, even with a Filter/Pump going 24/7. I used to put fresh weed in, but he/she ate it so fast, I got some artificial and now just put food in.

    I would like to know how to tell the sex of a goldfish, but lost on that.
  5. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Aw that's very kind of you Mikkel. As we are starting to both feel a bit better now we may have a go Friday or next week. We'll just have to do it much more slowly.

    We have to empty by hand!! What a pain that is. When I first got my fish I got 5 for my son(well that was my excuse). By the time I moved up here in 1995 there were 3 left. My ex decided he didn't want them so I drove down (over 300 miles) picked up the whole tank (empty of course) and the unit and brought it all back. The 3 fish were transported in a jam jar each and given air breaks! Yes there were holes in the top of the jars anyway.

    Gradually they have all died off except this one, which has grown to a decent size and I am not going to kill it or give it away.
    Yeah, you know what Mikkel I'm going to have a go at moving it soon. Poor little thing if it can survive all this to be around 14 years old, I'm going to leave it in it's 'home'.

    Oh I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, we did name them after the kids in the family but I can't remember which one this is:)
  6. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    I suggest using the water that's in it's tank now to half fill the new one and top it up with treated water, give it 28 hours with the filter/pump running , put it in a bag with water from the tank it's in then the bag in the new tank( open for air) for an hour so the temps are the same and I would have thought it'd survive. Althought I would feel rather guilty if it killed you rather mature fish.

    Do you have a pet shop neer you?

    I say IT as there not the easiest things to sex, I just call my guys.
  7. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks sweetpeas. The nearest 'good' pet place closed down quite a while ago but I think they have some fish at one of the large garden centres so i may just have to drag hubby over there:) We really need to get a smaller tank just to take care of it properly now - I hate age and aches & pains:(

    Thanks for your advice.

  8. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Found this,

    The classic way to sex goldfish is based on the sexually dimorphic traits they develop when they are in spawning condition. At this time, females become heavier bodied in the abdomen (and purportedly a bit asymmetric). But the big change is in the males; they develop white pimples, called "breeding tubercles", on the gill operculum and along the front rays of their pectoral fins.

    1. Midline ridge: Males develop a ridge on their undersides that starts in back of their pelvic fins and ends at their vent opening. The ridge is absent or much smaller on females. (N.B. I have observed females with impressive ridges. Hmmm)
    2. Firmness of Abdomen: For my heavy-bodied goldfish, the area between pelvic fins and the anal fins is fairly pliable on the females. For the males, this area is usually very firm.
    3. Vent shape: According to several books, you can sex goldfish based on vent shape. I haven't been able to figure this out yet, so I won't confuse with an attempt at explaining what I have read. However, another hobbyist, Red Arthur, has used it and he supplied the following sketch to illustrate the method. The sketch also shows the location of the breeding tubercles on the males. Thank you, Red!
  9. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks Walnut. When I get it moved I'll try and take note. Do you think it safe to move to a smaller tank too?

    swansea, we expect to know the sex of yours now too:)

  10. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Well, my little friend died today. I couldn't believe it. I knew deep down that something was wrong with that water. It went strange very quickly after we last changed it but I was blaming myself and that's why I was thinking of changing the tank size etc. There is a film on the top as well. It's funny cos now I think about it, I had said to my husband about my squash drink looking cloudy but it didn't happen in the tank until a few days after filling it.

    Well, whatever reason, he's gone and I've had a little cry. Must have given it some sort of good life for 15 years musn't I?

  11. Clematis

    Clematis Gardener

    Jul 6, 2006
    Friday Bridge
    Oh Borrowers I'm really sorry to hear that. Take heart that you must have done it right all this time :luv:
  12. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks Kate. Yeah, he didn't have too bad a life. As good as it gets for a goldfish I suppose, but I miss seeing him already. Can't even give Joyce a cuddle cos still have this flu!!

  13. Mikkel

    Mikkel Gardener

    Oct 23, 2008
    I too am sorry to hear that Borrowers. I hope you get rid of that darned Flu soon as well.
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thanks Mikkel, flu is on the way out, yay!

  15. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    sorry to hear that, wow 15 years though :) That must have been one happy fish :)
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