moving house

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by sandy, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. sandy

    sandy Gardener

    May 3, 2005
    Hi everyone *waves*
    We are going to be moving house between now and next spring and wanted to know when is the best time for moving my plants.
    I'm going to leave my roses and peonies but i want to take my delphinium collection and hollyhock. I have a very big planter i can put them in for over wintering if needed but should i move them now before the frosts start or wait until the frosts when the plant is dormant.
    I'm a bit worried about moving the hollyhock as it has new growth at the base.
  2. brazil

    brazil Gardener

    Jul 25, 2005
    hello sandy you can dig them up now and pot them up it would do no harm but i would leave them till nearer the time of moving just as long as it is not in a prolonged icy spell that could damage them.when you do dig them up i would divide some so you have got some spares plus dig in lots of compost when you get to new home you never can tell what the new soil is like put canes in the ground so you know where all plants are i have been fooled like that good luck i love delphs :D :D
  3. sandy

    sandy Gardener

    May 3, 2005
  4. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    If your going to overwinter them in pots, then I would lift them now so that they have a chance to get comfy before the real cold weather but if you going to plant immediatly then the least time they are out of the ground the better so as Brazil says just before you move.

    When I was clearing and then spring replanting a bed afer frost had cut everything back - I found it more difficult to identify plants, especially my delphs. I potted up individually - rather than into large containers - seemed to work OK
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