new tripod

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by glenw, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    I broke my old tripod earlier this year, so set about trying to buy a new one. I wanted something a bit more sturdy than my previous one, and read up about all the top brands. It seems that manfrotto are the best, but my budget wasn't going to stretch that far.
    I kept an eye out on ebay and in february I found what i was looking for - a manfrotto tripod, fairly badly advertised, pick up only. I won it for �£16, an absolute bargain!!
    The one problem was that it was to collect from Dorset, but that was easily sorted, my best mate from school is a chef down there. A quick phone call to him,all sorted.

    He came up to Sheffield a couple of days ago, bringing my tripod with him, just look at it! He isn't a photographer so wouldn't know anything about tripods so hadn't said anything about it.


    Yes, the tripod is standing over the full size washing line and the small tripod is the 'put me on' i bought until my manfrotto arrived! [​IMG]

    All I need to do is find a bargain set of step ladders and someone daft enought to carry it for me when i'm off out in the Peak District! :D
  2. Hyla arborea

    Hyla arborea Gardener

    Feb 9, 2007
    Oooh! Eyyy! Can you find me one Glen??? ;)

    Crackin' piece of kit..... What head are you going to put on it?

    My favourite's my Kennett Benbo, though, because of its usefulness on rough ground and in tight spots - it can cock its legs better than any dog you've ever met!!! :D But a good "ornery one" would be a great thing to have as well.... (Or am I just an equipment freak....? [​IMG] )
  3. Dorsetmike

    Dorsetmike Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Looks like you're setting up for low altitude aerial photography there [​IMG] :eek:

    Yon smaller one looks just like mine, Anbrico, which is a badged Giotto, if it is the same as mine it has a pan/tilt head. On my monopod I use a Manfrotto 222 head which I've had for years.
    click here

    For real close up work I have a focus rail to go between tripod and camera.
  4. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    hyla -
    best desciption of a tripod i've ever seen!!!! :D :D

    mike - the smaller tripod is actual just a miranda titan tp10, it was only a few quid and is actually not too bad. it doesn't have a removeable head, but the one on it is 3 way. its also not got a quick release plate.

    i'm going to treat myself to a better tripod for using in the hills, i do like the look of the 222 head.

    in the mean time i suppose i need to get some low flying aircraft flashing beacons for this one!!
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