Not sure.

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by Nibbles, May 18, 2010.

  1. Nibbles

    Nibbles Apprentice Gardener

    May 13, 2010
    I was wondering if anybody can help me with what the plant in the first picture , the ones on the outside growing around the plant in the middile that looks similar to a vine, is it something i need to control before it gets too out of hand?To be honest i don't even know what the one in the middle is either.
    It seems to be popping up in my other garden area too which like the first photo i don't know what the rest of the plants are aside from the roses, daffodills and rosemary.

    I just spent the last somewhat painful hour digging stinging nettle out of there but it seems like there is loads of it just sprouting aswell so i was wondering if anybody could take a look and see from the pics what i have before i hit the small stuff with a weed killer or something.

    Sorry if it seems silly but we just moved in here thats the only patch of garden so far that is puzzling me. I can take better pics too if needed i guess.
  2. ~Jen~

    ~Jen~ Gardener

    Jul 27, 2008
    North West England
    They look like sycamore trees which have self-seeded. You need to get them out while they are small, although they will still have a very long root. I find strong gardening gloves and a good hefty pull is often the only way to get them up!
  3. Nibbles

    Nibbles Apprentice Gardener

    May 13, 2010
    I just checked and we do another rather large tree with similar leaves and so do the neighbours so yeah if it is sycamore i definitely don't want them that close to the house.
  4. Nibbles

    Nibbles Apprentice Gardener

    May 13, 2010
    edit: I just pulled them out, it was definitely draining the rosemary of life and the other tree in the first pic. The last people tried to kill it off but left the roots in.
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