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Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by bennylangdale, May 27, 2009.

  1. bennylangdale

    bennylangdale Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 2, 2008
    Firstly I will hold up my hands and say I am an amateur veggie gardener! This year I decided it was time to live the Good Life (!) and build a raised bed and start growing my own veggies. Last weekend I bought some tomato plants, cucumbers, courgettes, brocolli and a pepper plant. I prepared the soil before they went in then felt mighty pleased with myself when I stood back and admired the little fellas! I have staked the toms and cucumbers and tended to my babies every night so far as I really want this to work.

    However, I have come home tonight and discovered snapped cucumber, tomato and courgette leaves and I am not happy! Does this happen to everyone? Does it matter? Have I planted them out too early and now the elements are going to destroy them all? I over-reacting? :hehe:
  2. ljmckeever1

    ljmckeever1 Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2009
    I would give them a week and see how they get on!

    It has been quite windy recently so they could have taken a bit of an element battering, they may need covering by something and when you have nice sunny days you can expose them?

    I hope it all works out well anyway.

    As for the over-reaction, definitely not :) you should see the fit I had over a cat peeing on my lettuce :P
  3. Canucks72

    Canucks72 Gardener

    Apr 26, 2009
    I also had snapped courgette leaves about a month ago, it was due to a combination of heavy rain and strong wind. You'll be glad to her that mine have recovered and grown plenty of new strong leaves, so I think there is hope for yours yet. Courgettes need quite a lot of watering so as long as your bed drains freely, water those every day and you should see recovery, fingers crossed.
    I planted my tomatoes and peppers in a poly grow house so they are protected from the elements. I'm not sure if your peppers will do well outside, they normally like it warm and humid, but you never know. I'm also a beginner.

    If it wasn't the elements, then maybe you have had a visitor trampling around in your beds... a cat maybe?
  4. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Did you harden off your tomato plants before they went out, or are they under a fleece or something? Because you may want to make sure they are under cover at night in case there is a night frost. I dont think we are past frost yet, and that could stunt their growth. Also i'd stake your tomatos now so when you do down the line you dont strike through the roots, presuming they are the climbing kind anyway.

    Goodluck though, sounds like you've got the bug :)
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