Pallet fence

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by nikirushka, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. nikirushka

    nikirushka Gardener

    Mar 2, 2012
    I'm planning to make a dividing fence using pallets, to keep my dogs in a smaller area of my garden (mainly to keep my future veg wee-free!).

    I have the pallets, all are 30-36" high and 27-39" wide.

    The fence itself will be L-shaped, 20' along the back and 33' down the side with a gate at the corner.

    What I'm trying to work out is the size of the posts I will need to hold it up. I'm going to use livestock posts/tree stakes, as the ground here is sandy so the best way to get decent support without going down the whole concrete route is to hammer them directly in - any hole digging will mean backfilling which here, makes for instant wobbly posts! But hammered straight in, they should be strong.

    It's just that size that I'm wondering about. 4 or 5ft long? And how wide? I can get 2" wide posts from my local timber merchants but that seems too narrow for me to support a pallet fence (I won't be pulling them apart, I'll be screwing the pallets as they are to the posts and putting pots and things in the gaps).

    Anyone any idea? Ta :)
  2. JazzSi

    JazzSi Super Gardener

    Jun 2, 2013
    I would use 3'' posts 5ft long if it was mine,
  3. Scrungee

    Scrungee Well known for it

    Dec 5, 2010
    Central England on heavy clay soil
    To get costs down, I'd use 50 x 75mm preserved timber below ground with projecting stubs some 150mm above ground, bolted to posts made of laminated pallet slats. If pallet timber is good enough for the panels, it should be good enough for above ground posts.
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