Pelargonium Regal

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by K1nS, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. K1nS

    K1nS Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 19, 2009
    My mother in law got us this houseplant for moving into our new home, I have had it for around 4 weeks ish now. It is currently living in our kitchen window and it seems to love it there, it flowered really well but now they are all dying (I know they only flower for 4-6 weeks ish) but I was wondering how to look after it, do I need to cut it back if it is a houseplant? I took away all the dead petals this morning which was the majority and there are a few new buds coming up now which is great.

    I am I missing anything? :help:
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Hope you'll be very happy in your new house KinS.
    To look after your pelargonium
    Remove any flowers that have gone past

    Look in the axles (the V shaped spaces between the main stem and the side shoots) and pinch out any little leaves which are growing there. This will encourage new flower buds.

    Let the plant dry out a bit before watering then give a good soak

    Feed with tomato feed - Tomorite or something like that.

    It should do great for you.
  3. K1nS

    K1nS Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 19, 2009
    Thankyou very much Alice, I have actually watered it already this morning as it was quite dry. I will take into account everything you have mentioned, thanks once again :D
  4. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Thats good advise from Alice.

    They can get quite big if allowed to grow naturally. Depending on the variety they can grow over two feet tall and nearly as wide. So you may want to trim them to keep the right size. I would suggest let them grow and then trim quite heavily. If you constantly trim, you may be cutting off new flower buds. It will probably keep on flowering at intervals. I have one that has been in flower for most of the time since about March.

    I once saw a person, after a show, stripping every single flower and bud off their show plant. When I asked why I was told that it encourages a new batch of buds to generate and then flower, all at the same time, after a few weeks ready for the show bench again.

    Zonals (ie the normal plant that people call Geraniums) tend to go dormant in a cool place over winter and consequently shouldn't be watered much. However Regals continue to grow in winter(but more slowly) even at temperatures down to zero. So they want a bit more water than zonals.
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