
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Gillypetunia, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Gillypetunia

    Gillypetunia Gardener

    Feb 28, 2007
    I have been unwell for about 3 months and have just been diagnosed with IBS, which has been brought on by stress. Although this is quite common, there are no real cures.

    My doctor has suggested that I try peppermint tea (along with other stuff). My question is, if I grow peppermint in my garden, what do I do with it? How do I make it into tea? I have twinnings tea bags for now but want to try growing the stuff too!


    GP :D
  2. Claire75

    Claire75 Gardener

    Mar 8, 2007
    Peppermint tea from the garden is lovely. Ordinary garden mint isn't as nice IMO. Just pick a sprig of maybe 4 - 6 leaves, give it a quick rinse and pour on boiling water, leave to infuse for a few minutes. Some people say you should pour a little boiling water over then discard, then make the tea proper, but I don't bother - I've also eliminated the rinsing stage when making herb tea straight from the herb bed at the allotment! Lemon balm tea is another you might like to try, it tastes lovely and is great for us stress-heads.

    Commiserations on the IBS - don't know what your doctor recommended btw but I find aloe vera very helpful - that and trying to make sure I drink a lot of water, as it always seems worse if I don't. In common with most people, i have found it's got much better with time, hopefully you will find the same.
  3. wyldeflower

    wyldeflower Gardener

    May 8, 2007
    It is easy to make up peppermint tea i must also say you would be better off drying and storing some for winter use..a lot of the herbal tea in supermarkets is grown in poly tunnells under artificial light and has very little benefit..their is quality amongst them so go for a good organic one if you do buy can buy extra peppermint plants from very cheap and it may be worth buying more..or you can buy dried organic peppermint herb leaf from neals yard
    remedies if you want the link i will give it you..I might also add that they use chamomile tea as well for ibs and hops if you can get them are equally as good so you have lots of choice..
    to make tea you do this...

    A tea made by pouring boiled (not actively boiling) water over fresh or dried herbs. Use approximately 30 g. dried or 75 g. fresh herbs to 500 ml water. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day.

    i live my herb tea to stand for about a hour to get all the benefit from it i also sometimes leave it overnight.. :D
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