Planting Asparagus

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Sam Lowry, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Sam Lowry

    Sam Lowry Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 30, 2009
    I'm planning on planting asparagus this Spring but I am not sure which variety to choose. All the seed cataloguse offering crowns say all the varieties are fantastic so that's not much help. I'm looking for an impartial view. Can anybody recommend a variety they have had success with?

    I live in Edinburgh.
  2. cauliflower ears

    cauliflower ears Gardener

    Nov 12, 2006
    I've grown my Asparagus bed from seed the type is Martha Washington a good old standard type of 'grass. It takes a long time from seed my bed is now 4 years old and this coming season will be my first full picking. Last year I had a few spears and they were wonderful, great flavour and of course fresh. The are very easy to grow from seed but you need patience best to grow from 2 year old crowns and you should be cutting 'grass after about 2 years. They need a deep well manured permanent bed and can keep producing succesfully for 30 years if looked after properly - Best of luck.
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