Pot mover

Discussion in 'Tools And Equipment' started by potgirl, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. potgirl

    potgirl Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 6, 2009
    Hi everyone,

    As my name suggests I have a multitude of pretty large pots on terrace growing brugmansias, bananas, ginger, colocasias, agapanthus and lillies. Last week I took the plunge and bought a 'Fort' pot mover on line. Think I got it from Crocus. Anyway, it is excellent. Used it yesterday to move a large pot with some white regale lillies in full flower that were being rocked by some very high winds. Thought this might be helpful to anyone who also has to move large pots, particularly when considering moving them for the winter.
    Cheers all
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb: An excellent gizmo Carol....!!
    :dh: I still use my grandsons old skate board to move my pots... :hehe:
    Is this the type you have..??
    :thmb: This would make an excellent Xmas present for a friend of mine... Thanks so much for the idea.. :thmb:
  3. potgirl

    potgirl Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 6, 2009
    Yes Marley thats the one. it has a foot you use with pots up to 75 kilos or on uneven ground and and can flip up and not use for pots up to 50 kilos. I am thrilled with it as there is no way I could move some of these pots into the garage for overwintering as they are so large and heavy. Mind you in discussion today with Clematis re brugs they are such wacky plants with apparent minds of their own it wouldnt surprise me to wake up one morning and find they had decided to move themselves to somewhere else. Glad to hear that it could be an ideal pressie.
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Without wishing to hijack the thread ...

    I'm planning to make some fake front panels for my planters. The pots, tubs and urns I've got aren't really big enough. so my plan is to make some sort of box-shaped container (I've been vacillating for years on this one!) either a standard plastic box, or something made out of marine ply, or maybe something made from fibreglass; then put some risers under it - like a pallet - which I can then lift with the forks on the back of my garden tractor.

    Lastly, a three-sided fake-front-and-sides, and a fake back (Velcro to join the two maybe?)

    Here's one I saw in France - bigger / taller than I need, and the metal straps are a bit "industrial", but it had a plastic/fibre glass liner, and I think was intended to be changed - perhaps with the seasons.

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