Pumpkin help?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Piggywiggy, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Piggywiggy

    Piggywiggy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 3, 2010
    I bought one of those wee kids pots of pumpkin seeds and two sprouted up. I repotted them (need pots due to **** garden) and they seemed to do ok. On both one leaf only has wee holes in it but no sign of beasties.

    Anyway the rain has been pretty torrential and the pots have pools on the surface of the soil. I read pumpkins love water but is it possible to drown them?

    I don't have flowers or fruit yet just leaves. I'm also concerned that they look like they may topple out of the pots as they grow. The main stalk doesn't look too secure in the soil. Is this likely to happen?

    Its my first year growing things and I honestly haven't a clue what I'm doing.
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    They could rot if they stay wet. Where is this torrential rain ? It's like a dessert in somerset.
  3. Piggywiggy

    Piggywiggy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 3, 2010
    Scotland, where the rain is always torrential! It's blue skies again but when it's rained recently it's really poured!

    Any advice on stopping rot? One seems to be coping ok but the other is just soaked through.
  4. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Scotland, cool, do you know Neil Oliver ? Big fans here.

    Make sure there are enough drainage holes in the pots, stand em on 2 bits of batten to help drain. Rot sets in when you've had weeks of wet, a good soak followed by a bit of good weather is good. I'll email the met office & ask em to sort you some sun out:gnthb:
  5. jw_universe

    jw_universe Gardener

    Apr 21, 2010
    Please let me know how you get on; I'm growing a pumpkin in a pot too :) All I can say is be careful with the stems; mine look thick but they are very hollow and pretty delicate!
  6. Piggywiggy

    Piggywiggy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 3, 2010
    Oddly enough I have worked with Neil Oliver but wouldn't say I know him personally.

    Jw_universe, how are you protecting the stems? Mine are growing horizontally and out the wee-est part of the pot so not much support for them
  7. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Cool. We watch coast & count how many times he gets the word, woruld, into the program. 7 is the record so far.
  8. shrekfeet

    shrekfeet Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 7, 2010
    the stems want to be higher than the soil. Plan on a mound if you can. Hungry plants, feed lots or stick them in the top of your compost heap
  9. Piggywiggy

    Piggywiggy Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 3, 2010
    Ziggy he does my head in! He doesn't talk like that in real life!

    Thanks shrekfeet. I did plant initially on a potted mound (if that's possible) but it seems to have. Flattened. I feel some innovation coming along
  10. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    My woruld has been shattered:doh:
  11. jw_universe

    jw_universe Gardener

    Apr 21, 2010
    I think I'm doing things that people wouldn't normally do and it's my first time growing a pumpkin. Mine is in a pot inside; not ideal but I have no garden! I made a mini mound in the pot and the main stem is "protected" by electrician's tape and is tied to a cane, because it had an accident. I'm not sure what the normal way of protecting them stems is! My pumpkin is now higher than the cane and trying to climb a tomato plant... I don't mind that much because I have more tomato plants and that one isn't producing that much, whereas I only have one pumpkin. I'm trying to see if I can grow just one pumpkin fruit, just one. I'll have to support it somehow too if one grows! Its buds are getting bigger so it might flower soon.
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