
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Man Of Leisure MOL, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Man Of Leisure MOL Gardener

    Jan 4, 2008
    Am i too late to prune a quince ? I missed the much quoted "just after flowering" period.

    Plum pruning next week...........
  2. Plantsman

    Plantsman Gardener

    May 31, 2008
    Man of Leisure - that's the way to be :)
    No, not too late; go ahead and prune it now. I am assuming you mean the ornamantal Chaenomeles and not the edible quince.
    They need little regular pruning, only reducing overall size when mature and getting out of hand. Reducing the length of new growths in summer will improve flowering. Flowers are produced on spurs as in the edible quince.

    Re-reading your message I think you do mean the edible quince. I would not say it is too late if you do the work immediately. How and what you prune out depends on the size and age of the tree in question but the aim is to prune to form spurs on which next years crop will be borne. Heavily congested branches of neglected trees can be thinned out.

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