Raised bed

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Micky V, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Micky V

    Micky V Gardener

    Apr 7, 2008
    Need to make a raised bed but don't know to start.
    I know i had first year ground in 2008 and was a little behind in my planting, did not move in untill april 1st
    (yes i know the date and probably was:?)
    By the time i had dug over my 120x16ft veg patch and eventually removed all the grass(TWICE ;tried to get away with just turning it in) we were in to early may, sowed 4 rows of fly resistant carrot between 2 rows of garlick for extra protection,still got lots of fly damage.
    So this year i am going to try a raised bed for carrot&parsnip but i am absolutely clueless about how to go about it and how high to build it .............HEEELP please
  2. Drew

    Drew Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 14, 2009
    Hi Micky,

    Might I suggest that you contact your local scaffolders and ask to purchase some of their split planks i.e. if their price is reasonable (£4 each or thereabouts is the going price).

    They are normally about 13' long but can be cut to size, 4 planks are an ideal length for two 6' 6"x 4' 4"beds. Cut two planks at 6' 6" long and the other 2 planks in 3 pieces 4' 4" long

    Mark out your area with string and drive 4 posts of 2" x 2" x 15" for each bed into the ground at the corners leaving the width of the planks about 6" or 8" above ground. Screw the planks to the wood and you have two 6' 6"x 4' 4" raised beds all done in less than an hour.

    I trust that you understand my instructions.


  3. Micky V

    Micky V Gardener

    Apr 7, 2008
    Thanks Skocat /Drew for input will tackle the planks tomorrow as we have had dreary misty rain all day here in Lowestoft
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