raspberry plants

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by colly, Apr 24, 2007.

  1. colly

    colly Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2007
    Hi just joined the forum.

    I confess I know next to nothing about gardening but having been given a load (10 or 12) raspberry plants and planted them in a cleared patch of ground I was enjoying watching them grow and even got a trailer load of goat manure to spread over the soil.
    They seemed to take off and were doing well until today when I went to clear any weeds growing and I noticed that many of the plants had had the leaves nipped off. Some had all the leaves off and other plants just a few.

    First thought was rabbits but I don't think so because the leaves are lying on the soil at the foot of the plants. That and there is a fox den maybe 10 or 15 yards away.
    They have been well watered, appeared to be thriving, and were making progress.

    So I wondered what it might be. Birds? insects?
    I thought maybe a neighbour or kids but if so why did they leave some plants alone?
    Maybe this is common with raspberries. I have no idea. There are a couple of blackcurrant bushes and a goosberry bush too but they seem un-affected.
    So any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. I have taken a couple of photos but all they really show is some plants with leaves on the soil around them. So I don't think they would be of much help.
    Having only just begun it would be a shame to fall at the first fence.
    Here's hoping one of you experts will be able to help.
    Many thanks in anticipation.
  2. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Are there any signs of snails in the area - they are a great pest for snipping new foliage and stems.

    Other than that I can't think of a pest that would drop new leaves - birds can do that getting at aphids etc, but doesn't sound like that this.
  3. colly

    colly Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2007
    Thanks Fran.

    Yes I have quite a lot of snails about the place so that might be it.

    Do snails climb prickley stems? I have heard that Vaseline around the stem will stop them climbing is that right?
  4. johnbinkley

    johnbinkley Gardener

    Mar 19, 2007
    Retired chem lecturer
    Anythings worth a try!! Give it a go the vaseline won't damage anything.
    John [​IMG]
  5. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006

    i suppose your problem could be caused by bullfinches. I regularly see them nipping new growth off wild cherries and i've heard they can be a bit of a pest to fruit growers. its not something i've ever had a problem with,but don't give in. In my experience, raspberries are a very resliant plant. Yours are definately getting more pampering than mine do!!!!! Good luck!
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