Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by EileenR, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. DangerousDave

    DangerousDave Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 22, 2008
    There is always the old fashioned way of getting rid of them, used for thousands of years all over the world. Cats and dogs. Although one of our cats once brought home a live rat just to show us how good a hunter she was.
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( I would certainly agree there DDave.. [​IMG] Now sadly gone at the ripe old age of twenty!! My son in laws Jack Russell was the best ratter we ever had.. She could smell one at 20yds (So to speak).. Nobody had a rat problem if she came to stay for a while.. When she caught allot of them, or had a nest, she would put them all in a line for you to see...!!!! :D :D :( Sorry folks, hope that is not too much information...) :D Also our old cat was excellent at catching them too..!! Rats come with the territory I am afraid as we are surrounded by farms ! So used to them, wild ones...!!! [​IMG]
  3. EileenR

    EileenR Gardener

    Jan 13, 2008
    I seem to have sitrred up a "rats nest" with my topic.. thanks for all your interest. I was told about the fat balls from the Pest control officer for our council.. so thought he would know what he was talking about. Haven't heard about peanuts though. You live and learn don't you!!!
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