Back-in-the-day when I was working at a nursery we used a product called Rondstar. It was a granular weed killer that you sprinkle on the surface of the potted plants to stop small weeds growing. I see it is still available, but you have to buy masses and it is really expensive. I was wondering, is there a product on the market for gardeners? I only want a little bit to put on the top of my acer pot as it is riddled with campanula that I just can't seem to get rid of :(
If I remember rightly, Rondstar is a weed suppressant, not a weedkiller. Unfortunately this type of product is no longer available to the domestic gardener, along with the likes of Cutlass.
sounds about right but POO!!!!! Ok, so how am I going to get the campanulla out of my acer??? I've tried stripping an inch of soil off and that hasn't worked Although, if it's happy where I have put it I may just plant it.