I wouldn't go that far :hehe: But yes I see your point about having religions forced upon you by the followers. I've personally always considered myself to be agnostic but that's only because I think being an atheist would require to much forethought:lollol:
Jehovas are ok people, apart from them not believing in evolution of course, they look after themselves and they have looked after me in a time of need. You can have a cup of tea and a chat with them, you don't need to believe in their imaginary friend any more than they have to believe in yours. I always steer clear of people whos eyes glaze over when you say something they don't want to hear though, if that happens then they have been brainwashed into rejecting certain info. Happened to my old sunday school group, lifelong friends were suddenly telling me that the song "Don't stop thinking about tommorow" was evil :usr: I was off like a rat out of an aquaduct :hol:
I go bell ringing, but bell ringers are separate from the church in a funny sort of way & we are not pressured in any way to join in with the services..... Although I do go when I want to or for special services I feel I have a reason to join in, otherwise I am like Vicky.. You do not need a church.. He is all around if you want him is my feelings.....
I've answered the door b****** naked when it's been the god botherers. That and telling them I'm going to hell anyway (according to their 'creed') because of my sexuality tends to scare them away. As for religion, I veer towards paganism. But only because it doesn't demand a lot of one.
Don't the Jehovah's believe that everyone who isn't themselves a Jehovah's Witness are not going to be included in Gods Holy Kingdom after Armageddon anyway? I've only really met one Jehovah's Witness who wasn't actually at my door preaching and she was a very nice lady although I never really understood how she was able to fully except plant classification and yet ignore Darwinian Evolution...
:gnthb: Aaron I just love your door answering system to god bothers..... :rotfl::rotfl: :wink:Aaron, sexuality means nothing to me.. I know you are a great guy & it has never interfered with my friendship to you.. Love you all & have several very very close friends for most of my life who live a different life to me like you, but they are so comfortable with life they make me feel happy & so comfortable.. Often a huge leveller in my own thoughts... So, I personally think the God bothers need to open their thoughts & minds more in this day & age... :gnthb:
You'll love Chris Hitchens then too-my personal favourite atheist crusader:gnthb::gnthb::gnthb: It's time we woke up and washed our eyes of the dogma and accepted who we really are.