seed mania

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by PercyT, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. PercyT

    PercyT Gardener

    Jan 11, 2007
    help think i am a seedaholic,

    I only have half a plot but seem to have ordered seeds for every vegatable under the sun. whooops

    Think I may needs some help here guys.

    Hope I can get some help with interplanting or something or I wont be able to grow all this veg.

    Think I've been bitten by a bug or something.

    Will have to ask OH to block all seed websites and ban me from garden centres etc. tee hee.

    First question what can I plant with sweetcorn according to the packet they need at lest 2 feet apart, and I would think they take some time to grow, so what can I plant with them that wont harm them, was think of leaf lettice?
  2. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    Hi Percy, try the 3 sisters method (sweetcorn, runnerbean, and courgettes or marrows)plant these in a square. also try raised beds you can get more stuff in and in rotation.
  3. PercyT

    PercyT Gardener

    Jan 11, 2007
    Thanks Fancy

    Will think on what you have suggested I saw something about 3 sisters on grow your own tv programme the other night.

    I went down to the plot this morning, ground was a bit wet and sticky to work, so I sat and planned my plot and this is what I came up with.

    All comments advise welcome especally if you think I am trying to grow to much in each bed or the mix of veg per bed is incorrect.

    I have two beds 4ft by about 17/8ft

    bed one

    Swede potatoes turnips carrots parsnips

    Bed two

    red and yellow onions spring onions leeks garlic shallots

    currently a further two beds about 4ft by 18/9ft
    and hopefully by about the middle of april 3 further beds of this size.

    bed one
    sugar snap peas broad beans peas french beans

    bed two
    lettice sweet corn celery chicory fennel

    bed three
    cabbage coliflower spinarch brocolli sprouts puple sprouting brocolli beetroot

    bed four
    pumkin courgette cucumber butternut squash

    bed five

    herbs and whatever else does fit above or I forgot I ordered.
  4. rachelg

    rachelg Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 5, 2007
    Hi Percy T, try planting your carrots between the rows of potatoes. I tried this last year and it worked well. [​IMG]
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