
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by gaynor49, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. gaynor49

    gaynor49 Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 27, 2007
    Hi,I planted my snowdrop bulbs in October, didn't think i'd see any growth yet, but they're already sprouting and the tips are showing, will they survive the frosts or have i lost them? All i can think is that with the mild weather we been having, they must think it's spring already! I'm new to the gardening life, just have a small area to plant in, i didn't know what to do with the surplus plants i had left over until i discovered a great new green website that i thought i'd share with you. It's developed specifically for the UK's vast army of amateur gardeners, me being one of them! We can buy and sell surplus plants and garden equipment with fellow gardeners and if you want you can donate all or some of the proceeds to a charity of your choice, it's better than just disposing of your surplus stock and in a way it's giving something to others and helping deserving causes, i think it's a wonderful idea and have already logged on joined and advertised my surplus plants. The best thing about it is, it uses a postcode system, so i get directed to a fellow gardener in my region. The website address is if any of you want to have a look and see what you think? [​IMG]
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Gaynor. I wouldn't worry, the snowdrops are only a couple of weeks early. Mine are in full flower by Christmas and although I'm further south than you lots of Scotland has similar temperatures. Particularly the west.
  3. Tiarella

    Tiarella Optimistic Gardener

    Feb 19, 2007
    Romney Marsh
    Thanks for that link, Gaynor, it sounds like a good idea - I've saved it to favourites for a closer look.
  4. Vistabile

    Vistabile Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 4, 2007
    There are bluebells and daffodils through in my neighbour's garden!! They are so early I think they may not be planted deep enough, and will prove to be blind, but seeing them has lifted my mood and set me thinking of Spring.
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