There was nothing hurtful or negative about my post though so you could say censoring the web comes with a responsibility. You replied to the thread I started and even PMd me about it after it was removed. Did anybody get a gold star for reporting it. I just think It's hypocritical for admin that have posted on here complaining about them getting adminned when they do it themselves.
The whole SOPA/PIPA issue is not about us being 'adminned', it is more importantly about the loss of rights that people would have currently to information available on the web. It would only take someone to add a link (as has been pointed out already), to 'any' website/forum, for that website/forum to then be blacklisted. Do you really want to lose the right to view most of what you may be able to currently ?
Now if only i had been allowed to create the world i'd not have included wicked dictators and atrocities, and these scenes would never have happened. I know, i know, some other nasty would have appeared ..... on second thoughts no, because i'd have made the world perfect :D Hey ho :WINK1:
BBC News - Support wanes in US Congress for anti-piracy bill Eight US lawmakers have withdrawn their support for anti-piracy laws, after "blackout" protests on thousands of internet sites. Two of the bill's co-sponsors, Marco Rubio from Florida and Roy Blunt from Missouri, are among those backing away. Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and blog service WordPress are among the highest profile sites to block their content. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has branded the protests as "irresponsible" and a "stunt". The MPAA, Hollywood's primary advocate in Washington and a key supporter of the legislation, is led by former Connecticut Democratic Senator Chris Dodd. Both bills focus on responding to online piracy, specifically illegal copies of films and other media. The bills would also outlaw sites from containing information about how to access blocked sites. The BBC's Jonny Dymond says that with Mr Rubio and Mr Blunt withdrawing their support, the Senate bill - Protect Intellectual Property Act (Pipa) - that had looked likely to pass, now appears to be in trouble.
Hydro, if my post came across to you as patronising then I apologise, as it was the very last thing I wanted it to appear to be. I have learned over the years that whatever knowledge, experience, I have acquired, or my advancing years, it's never going to to allow me to believe I am superior in any way to anyone. But one of the the "rules" I go by to get me through life is "cause and effect" i.e: What are the consequences of anything I am thinking of doing?. I've seen too many people hurt by rash remarks, bad selfish decisions and, although I am no Angel, I made the decision in my early years to try to never do that. I think, in the main, I have done that, although being human and mortal I have made my mistakes. I apply that rule when with friends, relatives and dealing with Life's ups and down, Posts on GC and the like, and have done so throughout my working life, RAF and civilian. What I was trying to point out, Hydro, is that we all have a responsibility to use our hard won "free speech" with some thought and care. If a person doesn't, and just uses free speech without personal responsibility to be offensive, hurtful, malicious, then surely they have to be accountable? What of the person they have been offensive, hurtful, or malicious to? Don't they matter? Do you think it's right for anyone to be offensive, hurtful or malicious without regard to other people? Surely that's being patronising and Superior in attitude.?? One thing though. I understand your ire over your own posts being subject to GC policy and rules decisions, but you are not the only one by far to have experienced that. I have many opinions that a lot of people would take umbrage with. So when expressing an opinion or view I try to do it in way that will carry my argument. Just expressing an opinion in such a way as to basically say "I'm right, so there, and I don't care what you think" does nothing for the argument and definitely doesn't win it. However, that is all I am going to say regarding your own personal posts as GC Rules and Policies regarding Moderators behaviour doesn't really allow me to even say what I have just said.
I don't think I could live without me badgers Badger Badger! The Original Dancing Badgers!