It seems there is an individual on here who decided to make unnfounded and miss leading insinuations. It is a shame that what was intended to be an intresting post could be so missconstrude. I do not need to and will not justify my position to a total stranger and a peculiar one at that. For this reason I requested the threads entire removal.
I Thought it was an interesting thread Paul, But your right you have no choice but to have it removed...Dee..
Not otten I do this ... but I saw the original thread and it was so interesting I decided to respond to it but it was gone when I posted ... Pro knows what I had to say ..... about a rare creature called a glis-glis .... So sad how some threads go recently because of newcmers objections ... may make others go also ..... :(
The BEES demise..I am a tad worried.. I shall explain: I responded to a thread started by a regular this evening regarding the extermination of Honey Bees. When I challenged the individual about killing these garden helpers as they are protected, he claimed “ Your respone seems odd, It is perfectly legal to destroy Honey bees especially were they are causeing a problem. The spelling error is not mine I hasten to add. He also claimed to be using Bendiocarb when asked by Roders. It is my belief that in some areas even the using of “smoke” to eradicate bees is illegal. When I asked where the bees were removed from the photo previously posted was removed, THEN the posters comments THEN the whole post. So do we approve the destruction of bees in their decline or not ? Are they PROTECTED or not? Just a question…..
I have a close acquaintance who is a highly regarded and successful pest controller and I asked him about honey bees when I saw that the post had been removed. He confirmed what Proguard said -which was that he would avoid it unless there was a good reason for doing so
Hmmm all very sad this conflicting idea's getting out of hand,why do you think many of the regulars aren't around as much as they were. :confused: bye ??
Shame the thread was disrupted. I only saw the start of the thread and it was really interesting mainly because I like to see what people do in their day jobs, and Pro had taken a lot of trouble to include photos of himself and fully explain what he was doing, I have to say that people like Pro add so much to this site by taking that extra step in performing their work and managing to take photos then describing it all to us later on. I was looking forward to catching up with the thread this morning. I don't know anything about bees so can't add anything useful to whats been said above. But I have noticed an increase in disruptive members arriving very recently, one is well know on other forums as a troll and has no interest in gardening. So maybe its time to somehow vet new members or put them on probation for a while, I've no idea how that would work and might be far too much additional work for our admin so may be impractical.
:( Hey hey, you guys..! This isn't doing allot to restore peace & harmony on the forum either is it.!
It is a great shame that useful information can be lost because some people ( on one occasion my self included) are blinded by annoyance at the tone or manner of some of the posts. Unfortunately one mans meat is another mans poison, and what one member may find perfectly acceptable another may not. There is a price to pay for being able to chat with people you are not sat in front of, or on the phone to, you aren`t able to hear their tone of voice and in the case of face to face see the wry smile which may make all the difference between outright hostility and poking a little fun. It`s a bit like road rage, aggression seems to uncannily disappear when you aren`t in your car. I can only speak for myself and would like to extend a hand in friendship and apology to anyone I personally have offended. I am a blunt Lancastrian and have a tendency to call a spade a bulldozer. I won`t be able to change that about me but I will certainly try to consider this facet of myself when I make a post. Although some don`t like the Pop Inn, for those that do-the drinks are on me (that`s one drink mind-I`m not made a` money) Thankyou
Well said. I am a newcomer here, and a Southener, and known for my straight talking. 'I come in peace!' If I have offended anyone I am truly sorry, and hereby pledge to count to ten in future before before answering any posts. I initially came to this site because I needed some help, and that help has been warmly given and I am MOST grateful. I have to admit to feeling just a 'wee tad sensitive' every time 'newbies' are mentioned. Jan
Morning everyone I am going to close this thread on a happy note Please remember whether you are a new member or an old member everyone agreed to abide by the forum rules when they registered. Do this and you won't go far wrong :thumb: