
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by hammer, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. hammer

    hammer Gardener

    Apr 29, 2008
    hi got my new greenhouse well a friend gave me it its a glass alluminium one.
    what temperature should it be when its sunny like today here in lincs its been not too bad ive got a thermometer which ive got in the kitchen put it in the green house and it said 110
    how accurate that was i dont know the thermometer was in the sun.
  2. T Digger

    T Digger Gardener

    Apr 18, 2008
    Hiya hammer, it is worth investing in a max-min thermometer which has markers to stay at the high point and low point of the temperatures reached during a period of 24 hours for example, it will give you an idea of how much of a variation your plants are getting. It's the rapid variations that cause problems with plants and if the sun is shining temperatures of over 100 can be reached very quickly, if you are not around during the day, an automatic window opener is a must and probably more than one vent which is how most greenhouses are supplied. Shading also helps, the cheapest option being the paint on type, a little bit of investment now will help you get the best out of your greenhouse. Good luck with it.
  3. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Hammer. You don't give your location in your profile. But you have said in your post that you are in Lincs so you are similar to me, Yes. My greenhouse was at 100+ old money today Great. My cannas are poking through. Digger is quite right but I don't want to get into a debate about painting and bubble wrap again Bit sick of it. If you have a Wilko's near you a min-max thermometer is only about £4 by the way.
  4. hammer

    hammer Gardener

    Apr 29, 2008
    thanks for the replys i love gardening it keeps me sane as done for years but greenhouses i know nothing thats were you good friends come in to it.
    i will be asking loads of silly questions on this forum so bear with me
    i had my 9yr old daughter and my 11 yr old son potting up yesterday they loved it even the mrs is taking a interest.
    anyway ive alluminium greenhouse 8x6 glass paned only one roof window and a sliding door.
    been mainly buying the plants will be doing from seed next year so at the mo ive got toms various varieties in tomatoe tubs also courgette,cucumber,aubergine,sweet peppers.
    ive started some seed potatoes in a large tub read how to do them on here is it ok to start them off in the greenhouse also sweet pea and marrow plants which ive potted in to bigger pots i know how to pollinate the marrows grew them years ago when i was a lad think im ok with the tomatoes with the info ive got from here but any help with the others appreciated.
    please excuse my typing the mrs tells me off for it but you get what you see.
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