
Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Liz W, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Liz W

    Liz W Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    I grew some purple top milan, which I understood to be reliable. They were beautiful, with gorgeous leafy tops that I put into a soup. Well, the soup was nasty with a bitter after taste, and I can't imagine I'll grow them as spring greens. But the turnips I cooked today, thought I'd boil them and fry them with the potatoes to go with stuffed courgettes for tea, and they were horrible. They weren't woody at all, quite a nice size, most a little bigger than a snooker ball, but I was so disappointed. Have I done anything wrong to make them taste so bad?


  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Not sure what to say to you Liz as I didn't taste the stuff, but here's my take.
    The turnip tops - I never cook greens of that kind in the soup. I do think it makes a horrible taste all through it. I cook the greens and the soup separately then put a spoonful of the greens in the bottom of the bowl and ladle the soup over it. That works for me.

    I'm not sure why you fried the little turnips. Were they nice when they were raw. If so there was nothing wrong with them.
    To cook them I just boil them very lightly. If you don't want them just plain then lightly boil, drain, return to the pot with some butter and pepper, tip into a serving dish and sprinkle with grated Parmesan. Or they are lovely in a white wine sauce (honest).
    The real point is were they good when you started ie the raw turnips.
    If the raw produce was good it's up to you.
    If not, then nothing you can do will improve it.
    Sorry you were disappointed.
    It's not too late to plant some more.
  3. Liz W

    Liz W Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    I fried them just to experiment and because the kids have been faced with courgettes in so many different forms recently that they would appreciate some fried new potatoes (and turnips!). I will try them raw to see the flavour. I know the ones from my veg box recently, that looked the same, tasted nice, so I was gutted. Still there was courgette cake to follow so the kids had enough incentive to finish the yucky turnips! :wink:
  4. andrewh

    andrewh Gardener

    May 28, 2009
    I know what you mean, Liz. Purple Milan is quite a strong flavoured turnip even if you pick 'em young, I find. Try it mashed with carrot and a bit of butter with your Sunday roast.

    Or perhaps try a different variety. 'Snowball', or 'Oasis'.
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