weight watchers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by mgn, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    any weight watchers here? I'm joining next month eek!
    I'm just going to count calories though - using the place to just get weighed as my incentive. I've already lost alot of weight on my own but can't manage to shift last couple of stones.
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi mgn, you know you are another 'new year resolutionist' don't you. :D

    we, too, want to lose weight next year. Hubby says he's going on a diet, i say i am going to cut down on the size of meals.

    I have been with weight watchers before. i think it depends on the 'instructor' or whatever they're called, on how good the classes are. it can be good for motivation.

    i hope it works for you mgn. it sounds like you've done well anyway. everyone gets to a sticking place when losing weight, just don't give up.

    you aren't going to want to be like one of these 'skinny' celebs are you? i really hope not. everyone should be different. that goes for shape, look, interests everything. i like watching films from a quite a few years back cos everyone looked like 'themselves', not some clone. British films are still quite good at letting actors look like 'normal' people i think!

    Good luck with it mgn. Let us know how you get on. We will support you. i wish i could offer some advice that would work, but i don't know how to do it myself! With a bit of luck (and willpower) we will be on here about March time saying how much we've lost [​IMG] Lets hope so.

    Best wishes for the new year.
  3. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    hi borrowers, i've always been a great new year resolutionist, it's just by the time february arrives i forget what it was i was supposed to be resolutioning about!

    No i couldnt be skinny, just want to be fit really. I went really overboard this month ( but I planned to as i dieted last xmas and resented it ), and gained a stone !!! yep a stone in a month!

    i've got a personal weight loss site here if youre interested
    so i know how to do it but i think i was cursed by my doctor who told me not to go under 12stone - i never could manage to! so i'm hoping weight watchers can get me to 11 stone then i think anything under that would be a bonus.

    good luck with you and your hubby - mine is wanting to lose around 2 stone and also my mum is in on it too - i think just general cutting down is the key and taking breaks - even gaining a stone at xmas is beneficial.... yep, i swear it is!

    well lets see how much we can lose by March, then be in our bikinis by June!
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    mgn, cheers mate. don't think i will ever be in a bikini again - way too long ago [​IMG] However, i'm like you, just want to get fit (well, fitter - not fit as in how girls etc are rated now!).

    Cutting back is definately the key for me. my meals are enormous. Plus have potatoes, chips & bread at the same meal which i know is so wrong!

    do love my proper meals though. With loads of veg., unfortunately with loads of spuds too. I like pasta too, but again with a calorie loaded sauce. why is it everything that is good for you is tasteles unless it's with something that is bad for you :confused:

  5. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    haha i ,meant fit as in fitter too, i got some pink boxing gloves and mits for xmas, that is a workout! I do a boot camp dvd and weights - all just at home though.

    instead of potatoes try sweet potatoes instead, less cals in those - i've only started having them, lovely zapped in the microwave with cottage cheese on them! pasta isnt too bad to have with a tomato based sauce but it makes me bloat up rather than gain weight. Bread piles the lbs on me. You could try using a smaller plate, you know fool yourself youre not cutting down at all? And instead of bread use lettuce and make a wrap.

    Yep everything nice is bad - i'm a chocoholic, a serious one! I know when i've gone overboard as my sight starts failing - thats because i was pre diabetic and if i dont curb it i'll end up a full one, so i cant be too stupid like i was this month oops!

    ahhh youre never too old for a bikini! i just get the 1950's style ones that cover everything up, and it's just for in the garden.

    One of my wish list things was to go to the shops in shorts - hopefully i might be able to dare it in 2008.

    How much do you want to lose?
  6. SweetP

    SweetP Apprentice Gardener

    Dec 4, 2007
    your weight loss site is brilliant and has made
    me (once more) vow to lose at least 30 lbs - and soon!
    Thanks for posting your link.
  7. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    sweetp, i think i might go for a straight 30lbs too and then say thats it - 30lbs is equal to 2 dress sizes, so if you were a 14 thats to a 10 to put it in perspective - worth going for?? well i'll be starting weight watchers thursday so i'll use here to mark down my lbs gone (hopefully. now that most of the choccys have gone, except a big tin or roses that are calling out to me nooooooo!)

    lol each lb is a seperate wish? i'll have to be granted alot of wishes then!!
  9. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    I'm in on this guys! I want to drop back down to my size 10 - 12 frame by March! From 11 stone to 9 stone would be brilliant!

    I'm hunting out a weightwatchers or slimming world locally to start too. [​IMG]
  10. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello mgn. So nice to see your update and I wish continued success. Also, congratulations on your recent marriage (sexy dress)... may you have many happy years ahead. [​IMG]
  11. Honey Bee

    Honey Bee Gardener

    Nov 17, 2005
    Queen Bee
    Sunny South coast (well, it used to be......)
    MGM - goodness - you have done brilliantly!!!! Keep it up!!!

    I'm not going to say anything about dieting, etc for me - its like a red rag to a bull - as soon as I "commit" - I become obsessed and am hungry 24/7 and crave sweet things.... but good luck to all you others
  12. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    My gosh, I just looked at the website and you've done so so well! If i looked half as good as that i'd be so so happy! We can do this! :D :D
  13. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    If there is a selection of us doing it together, should we keep a diary or journal of some sort to do it together do you think?
  14. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
  15. Whiley

    Whiley Gardener

    Jul 30, 2006
    Awwrr i wanna do that too. Sounds like you all had a real quest and made it fun!

    Alrighty, i know i had the other thread a few weeks back but that was before i fell ill and before christmas, so i'm starting fresh!

    Weight = 11 stone exactly
    Tummy = 39 inches
    Thighs = 24 inches
    BMI = 27.3


    Weight = 9 stone
    BMI = 18.5-24.9 [normal]
    And to be nice and toned :D

    By my birthday, March 14th.

    The Plan
    Weightwatchers, starting and registering on Monday night.
    My sparkley new rowing machine.
    Daily aerobics work outs.
    Walking the cat daily.
    About 1300 calories a day.

    Focus Areas
    Flabby tummy, neck, thighs and arms.
    Developing nice bum and keeping big bookies :D

    Support needed
    Constant support and pep talks
    Recipe and food suggestions
    Cosmetics to help toning and health along

    ME sufferer so lack of energy
    Underlying poorlies so can't go mental with it
    Utterly disgusted by salad and allergic to fish
    Lack of self confidence might lead to '****** it' moments of let down, keep me up!
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