When Is...

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Dano, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Dano

    Dano Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 16, 2007
    The best time to start aerating and putting seeds down for the Summer coming up? Sorry I"ts a no brainer but I dont know a lot about Lawns Guys,so please bear with me. I have a flat staight long Lawn which is just been left since nights got dark basically , now when do I start raking it and getting it ready for the Summer? There are some patches and where we have been in shed its quite bare now? So should I start with the Aerator and then put seeds down or just put seeds straight on the lawn. Again sorry to be so basic but just wanted some advice on when to start and best way to do it?

    Any help is Appreciated.

  2. Grass Seed Man

    Grass Seed Man Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 3, 2008
    Any time now really. If the ground is dry and workable then there is no point in waiting as the weather can only get warmer and wetter in the coming weeks. I would get on with any necessary work, perhaps waiting until the afternoon to ensure any dew or frost moisture has lifted. If you are overseeding make sure existing grass is short and dry otherwise the new seeds will just stick to the leaves and never get onto the ground. Rake hard, apply seed then roll or tread in. You must get new seeds in contact with the soil for good germination.
  3. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I find it better to mix the seed in with a couple of handfully of John innes no3 or sived topsoil.

    It helps to 'stick' the seed.
  4. Grass Seed Man

    Grass Seed Man Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 3, 2008
    It's one thing many people don't consider.
    Grass seed floats.
    One heavy downpour on newly seeded ground (that hasn't been lightly raked and rolled) and off sails your lawn.
  5. Barra

    Barra Gardener

    Jan 24, 2006
    Simple steps to seeding and creating a great lawn

    Use grass seed from March to October

    To create a new lawn from seed you must firstly dig over the whole area to a depth of 6-9in removing weeds and plant matter, break soil down to a smaller particle size and rake over removing stones. Roll or tread down to ensure soil is level and firm and apply a pre-seeding fertilizer. Choose the seed which suits the area you are creating and apply as recommended by the manufacturer (this information will be found on the box containing the seed).

    Once you have applied the seed lightly rake over the area to cover the seed as much as possible, if you have no rain after sowing, water well to ensure the soil is kept moist to aid germination. If you follow these simple steps your new grass should start to appear from 14 days, once it has reached 2-3in you can give it its first light cut.

    When re-seeding an existing lawn you must firstly mow and rake out dead grass.

    Dress the lawn with general purpose compost, apply the seed as to manufacturers recommended rates and lightly rake. Ensure area is kept moist if you have no rain after sowing
  6. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    Will it be O.K even if frost and snow is forecast ?
    I have my seed all ready to put on but looking at the weather they say we are going to have over the next few days I'm not sure what to do. :confused:
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