Winter Sowing?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by chipmunk, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. chipmunk

    chipmunk Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 17, 2011
    The first of my two silly questions to ask, feel free to laugh!

    I like making Christmas presents and this year I was thinking of a gardening hamper for my gran. Initially I found an idea of using cuttings from something such as; rose, gooseberry, redcurrant, mock orange and give to someone as a gift. Now I don't have anything to take cuttings from! (although if you know of where I can find cuttings please tell me).

    I was hoping to be able to then sow something for her for Christmas (doesn't need to have grown much but planted so she only has to care for it) and I've had conflicting information with what I can do.

    Ideas were:

    Can I sow/plant any in Oct-Nov?
    Can they be in pots/containers at first so I'm not trying to plant things in her garden without her seeing :heehee:
    Is there a place to find/get cuttings from instead of buying seeds?

    Thanks and sorry for the long drivel for a silly question!
  2. davygfuchsia

    davygfuchsia Gardener

    Dec 2, 2010
    Hi there Chipmunk

    A nice gift might be a nice pot of Hyacinths ..You can buy these cheaply (if you act quickly)at most budget type shops now ..Use whatever pot you like and you can make it as large as you like to suit your budget .. Get them planted now water and keep in a cool dark place until you find the bulbs are about an inch or two high..Bring into the light and they will grow and flower ..You could use other bulbs Tulips...Daffodils and many more ...
    Hope this helps

  3. chipmunk

    chipmunk Apprentice Gardener

    Oct 17, 2011
    Thank you davyg; that is something I will consider, I had hoped to perhaps push through the Winter barrier (which I know isn't easy but not sure how plausible it really was) and/or if plugs might work.

    I shall nossel into hyacinths etc further :D
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