The Nut ? The Whole Nut? Or nothing but the Nut?

Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by Cookie Monster, May 5, 2009.

  1. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Hi folks!

    I have done a search but can't find a discussion here on the dilemma of whether to feed nuts whole during the spring, when there are birds feeding young. I apologize if there is one already in existence.

    I, of course, have heard the old chestnut, (or should I say peanut?), that it is inadvisable to feed whole nuts at this time of year in case they would cause a nestling or a fledgling to choke by being fed one erroneously by its parent.

    My question is though, is this verified?

    Would something like a blue tit - who we've probably all seen taking whole nuts and flying off to a branch to peck at the nut to break off beakfulls - then go and try and feed an entire nut to its chick?

    Do you think we may underestimate the capacity and accommodation that a bird gullet may afford to a small bird? Sometimes birds take the most astoundingly large things and manage to hoik them down ok - or so it seems, especially some birds like the gull family. Some baby blue tits amaze me when you see footage of them gobbling up massive grubs that you think would make them baulk!

    Could you get away with putting nuts out whole if birds can show discretion in what they would attempt to feed young?

    Some birds like the corvid family are probably large enough to cope with nuts whole from very early on perhaps? Adult birds certainly could use the high energy value of nut this time of year to sustain their feeding of young.

    My mum puts all her bird nuts in the food mixer and grinds them to crumbs and the birds are well happy with this arrangement - but I was putting out some nuts for squirrels yesterday and a jay came down and it crossed my mind whether I should have put the nuts down.

    What do you all think - is there any current standard advice out there? Do we underestimate our native birds own common sense or are we right to refrain until fledglings are older?

    Bet you never expected the Spanish Inquisition !

    Thanks Smile
  2. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I wouldn't risk it Cookie there is plenty food out there this time of year they don't need nuts.
  3. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    As far as I know Cookie, Blue/Great/Coat Tit baby high mortality rates are normally due to the absence of caterpillars, their main fod source. I don't really know if Tits feed thier young on feeder food.

    There seems to be a gap between caterpillars hatching and eggs hatching, possibly climate change (jury is out on that) but it makes sense that the gap may cause starvation. Whether they feed them on peanuts in desperation I'm not sure.

    i will just leave one feeder with seed in from now till next winter.
  4. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thanks for your replies fellas :)

    I guess that I will still refrain from using the whole nuts with their being no evidence yet to say that it is a negligible risk to young birds.

    I think mealworms would be the best alternative but they are so bloomin' expensive :(

    I always feed the birds in the spring to help energize them for all that grub hunting for the little 'uns. I have sunflower seeds, fatballs and put out buttered granary bread and dried raisins.

    I have chopped nuts up for the flat feeder and have a whole nut bird feeder with wire mesh.

    It is just I know that the jackdaws, and magpies and jays and pigeons love whole nuts and I was wondering what cutting off their supply to the adults would do in the greater scheme of things at this time of year?
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thanks Peri - you're a star :thku:
  6. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I have a large wooden box with my meal worms in they breed and the culture keeps going, only occasionally do I have to buy any.
  7. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Kathy the box contains layers of wood shavings and newspaper they are fed on bran and get their moisture from slices of apple,they transform into semi rigid structure like a chrysalis then emerge as beetles, then they go on a roving commission lay eggs in between the newspaper, they hatch and the process starts again.They are completely harmless and you can get several sizes micro mealworms the smallest mario worms one of the biggest.
  8. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I feed the birds all year. I'm not a fan of peanut feeders so feed off a table, all the food peanuts included i grind up with a big stone.

    I feed a mix of whitebraed, breadcrumbs and fat etc from the grill pan, grain and peanuts, in the winter I smear butter into this mix aswell

    Its surprising the birds that will then readily eat peanuts. Unfortunately one of the most voracious peanut feeders is a woodpidgeion, a virulent pest in my eyes but since its not eating crops its safe from my gun and it provides me with amusement watching it trying to fly in under the roof of the table!
  9. Silmar

    Silmar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2008
    Only just noticed this thread, but if you can get into Plymouth cookie monster, Wilkinsons do tubs of mealworms for £2.50. Cheapest I've seen by miles
  10. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Thanks Silmar - will do !!!! :)

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