Broken apple tree

Discussion in 'Trees' started by ismeval, May 4, 2009.

  1. ismeval

    ismeval Gardener

    Jul 20, 2007
    We planted a small apple tree in our little garden last year and this spring we have got loads of lovely blossom .... it is only small yet with around three main branches - but guess what ?? The kid next door is always kicking a ball about and it came over a couple of days ago and hit the tree, breaking off one of the branches !!!!!!!! ... I know there is nothing we can do but I just wanted to talk about it here rather than reverting to shouting at the child next door which of course was my first reaction !! ... We have also lost a lot of blossom - been quite windy and then of course the ball knocking it - does this mean we will have lost the fruit ? .... Val
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( Oh dear Val that is very sad & very very annoying....!!!!! If the bees got in & pollenated your blossoms before they fell then you are in with a chance of some fruit.. The blossom itself is short lived really... :scratch: I think I would watch & see for a while now & see what time brings forth..

    As for your little horror next door, not really sure. I think if it were me. I would have to say something when he came to ask for his ball back...!!
    No point getting cross with him, it won't work, but sometimes when they see how dissapointed in them you are & sad about the damage. It does have an affect sometimes, but are you friendly with the parents.? If you are maybe have a word with them too...

    :flag: Not much consolation I know.. sorry..
  3. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Man Of Leisure MOL Gardener

    Jan 4, 2008
    in the winter, i suggest you move the tree to another area. Kids will be kids.
  4. ismeval

    ismeval Gardener

    Jul 20, 2007
    Only a tiny garden so nowhere else to put it unfortunately ... plus the fence from next door is over 7 foot tall !! I don't mind as it gives me some privacy if I want to sit outside and is not in the way of the sun ! ... The little horror next door is a girl ! a very tomboyish girl and the family is nice ... just a shame that the ball came directly onto the tree .... I also have a small cherry tree which is growing in a large pot - didn't really want to put the apple tree in a pot - anyway it is still the back garden and the ball could come over anyway .... I shall just keep hoping - as we have had a few bees in the garden .... Val

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