Viburnum, how long will it survive in a pot?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Selleri, May 3, 2009.

  1. Selleri

    Selleri Koala

    Mar 1, 2009
    North Tyneside
    My dear stolen Viburnum is now starting it's second year in a 48cm container. It is rather big as it was rooted from a stem years ago (and just left there in a totally unsuitable and tight spot, poor thing. ) It's about 2.5 meters tall with 5 old stems and plenty of new growth.

    How many years would you predict it will survive in the pot? What happens when it finally grows pot bound? Will it just die or perhaps start to produce miniature leaves in bonsai style? Will pruning help at all?

    It is a real beauty and quite impressive on my tiny decking. Last winter I moved it next to my smoking place to enjoy the flowers and their scent. Mmmm... [​IMG]
  2. BigBird

    BigBird Gardener

    Apr 12, 2009
    Hello!!! :)

    Most Viburnum's will grow huge!! I can't see it being a problem putting it in a pot as long as it contains ample humus. But once it has filled the pot with roots, you must pot it on into a larger pot. Also you must make sure it is watered & give it a feed. Obviously at some point it will have to be planted out unless you have a HUGE pot!!

    Also Viburnum's don't have to be cut back. If anything just cut out any old or damaged branches after flowering (deciduous) or in May (evergreen). They grow best in full sun.

    I have one in a pot (been in pot 2years), but it will be going out in the garden soon because it will do better in the ground as it is getting big & will be a nightmare to try to pot on!!! :D

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