Wow! First time it said I was so fast that it couldn't record my time so I relaxed a little and tried it again
28 in 371 milliseconds The first one was done with the mouse and the second using the Space Bar. So mice slow things down
I got the "We're not sure if you are a human being" as well. After all these years, what my mother-in-Law has been telling me has been proved to be true!
I had 2 glasses of wine with my lunch, but ... If I was informed I'd got the reaction times of a 17 year old male who's just passed their test, I'd be really worried.
Cor, I'm really improving, now got the reactions of a toddler driver! (must be due to drinking even more of my Blackberry Wine).
What makes me think that @Scrungee has done a little bit of Photo-shopping? Removing a zero and a seven whilst keeping the background identical is pretty clever. Pity they don't test two year olds!!
Not clever enough though, the Blackberry Wine clouded my judgement, but I thought it best to leave a big clue.