
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by weekend gardener, May 1, 2009.

  1. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    Oh i am so mad i have tried again to put pics up, i must be really thick! You see my son put my photo's for me on photo bucket, and when i click on go advanced then manage attachments it says sum of attachments owned by weekend gardener 0. i have put a title on the photo and comments etc but it still doesn't download. Oh i am longing to show you all the photo's.
    i followered the other instructions as well by sizeing the photo up then when i chose files there was nothing about pop up pics or Pb album, i clicked on email and im then direct link box but didn't get anywhere with that too. I had no problem last year when i put some pics on, so this has me really baffled.
  2. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    That's a perfect example why not to use Photo bucket.

    Try the following
    Click on advanced tab at the bottom of the reply (You already know how to do that)

    Click on the "paper clip" icon (3rd to the right of the A, not counting the downward triangles)

    A new window appears

    under "Upload File from your Computer" there are "browse" buttons, selct a picture on you rpc via these (one for each pic, 4 pics at one time max (Then repeat)

    Once uploaded, click on the picture you want to insert (via the paper clip)
    and some text will appear.

    eg {ATTACH}680{/ATTACH} (But i changed the brackets, so you can see)

    click preview, You should then see a thumbnail of the picture, click submit reply. (simples)

    View attachment 680
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I do it a bit differently; here is a step-by-step description in case it helps you find out what is happening differently on your computer

    Click on "Go Advanced"

    Scroll down to the "Attach Files" section and click on the [Manage Attachments] button


    A pop-up window appears (maybe that is your problem, pop up windows disabled on your browser?)

    In the "Upload File from your Computer" section there are 5 "Browse" buttons.


    1) Click the first [Browse] button, locate the file on your PC, and press [Open]. The filename should appear next to the Browse button. Click on the next Browse button if you have more pictures to upload.

    2) When done press the [Upload] button


    3) When the upload completes you should see the file name(s) appear in a new section headed "Current Attachments"

    4) You can then close the pop-up window

    You should return to the Reply Editing section, and your newly uploaded file(s) should have been added to the Attach Files section


    There is a limit on the size of the file that you can attach (so you will need to reduce the size before you upload it), and the maximum dimenions ares 800px wide by 600px high (if you upload a larger picture it will automatically be reduced in size)

    Your image(s) will then appear as thumbnails at the bottom - click to see the larger original
    vvv Here!
  4. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Ah! Now I get the ATTACH thingie water-garden.

    Having uploaded the images (either via the Paper Clip, or via the [Manage Attachments] button, you can then insert a thumbnail anywhere in your post by using the Paper Clip dropdown list - put the cursor where you want the picture, then click on the Paper Clip down-arrow, and select from the list.

    If you don't place an image in this way it just appears in the "Attached Thumbnails" at the bottom of the post.

    (For my money placing it in the body of the text makes it less obvious that it can be clicked to show the full-sized original, but of course you can place a caption under it to that effect, if you wish)
  5. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    View attachment 686


    There is a way of posting your pic this way but full size, something to do with double clicking :scratch: Ill have to keep trying :)
  6. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    I may be wrong but I think maybe Weekend Gardener is trying to 'attach' from photobucket rather than from his own computer.

    You can 'attach' from your own computer or 'link to' from photobucket.

    I have found when linking from photobucket that even though clicking on the relevant link says it has been copied it won't paste and I have to 'right click' and then select copy - I can then post the link into the forum.

    I've found it better, as others have said, to attach direct from your own hard drive as the picture doesn't get lost if things are moved around. It's great that this forum allows this as not all forums do.
  7. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    I think you will find it shows a thumbnail for two reasons

    Speed of downloading to the reader.

    If you have to wait while a "big" picture downloads, you may get a bit fed up, and if there are several pictures to download, it could take some time.

    You have the choice to see the picture or not.

    You may not be interested in the particular picture, so if its a thumbnail, you can just ignore it, or click on it if you do want to see it.
  8. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Indeed, agree with that - just its not obvious that a thumbnail in the middle of the text is clickable for a larger version.

    Of course I can use the [IMG] tag to embed an image of any size if I wish :)
  9. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "I may be wrong but I think maybe Weekend Gardener is trying to 'attach' from photobucket rather than from his own computer."

    You can "upload" an attachment from a URL, as well as from a picture on your PC. (I haven't tried it, but I presume it causes a copy to be stored on GC, which is obviously handy if the original might not exist in the future, but maybe it just makes a live-link to the other picture)
  10. Hex

    Hex Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Usually you only need to copy the bottom line from the photo in photobucket and paste it into the forum reply box, its the one with "[ IMG ]" at the beginning (without the spaces).
  11. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    Wow can't believe it, i have done it at last. Here are photo's of my son and partners garden. The top half as you may just be able to see has uneven slabs. This section will be the last to be finished.
    I will go step by step to show you each part of the garden. My nephew Lewis is the one in the photo. After i have shown you all the photos, i will post the ones of my garden.
  12. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    So where is the gravel going then on that pic? On the slabs above the steps? still sounds a death trap.
  13. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    Hi Newbie green,

    The two lots of slabs near my nephew are staying down, then the next lot of slabs are being lifted out then a log roll is being lined up on the edge of the path to prevent the gravel coming over onto the path.
    I hope i have explained it okay for you, perhaps if not when it's finished you may understand.
  14. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    Bear with me water garden, i am doing my best, i have taken note of what you have said about who is in the pic so wont' do that again. I am trying to get other pics on, but wanted to see if i got one on correctly before doing more.
  15. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    second pic along shows another angle of garden, excuse toilet which has been replaced from inside of house. Forth pic is of shed which has seen better days but can't be replaced yet so i have planted some talls flowers to grow there. The trees on the last pic are from next doors garden.
    I got my son to alter the shape of the borders as you can see.
    Other pics coming soon.

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