Basic etiquette am I right or wrong

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Jack McHammocklashing, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. Jack McHammocklashing

    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

    May 29, 2011
    Ex Civil Serpent
    Fife Scotland
    I have brought this up with Zig's many times, and am now at the end of my tether
    We are in our late sixties
    My BIL turns up (sort of invited) at all major holidays and summer holidays

    He has lived alone since he left school, Uni and a Lawyer

    He has finally accepted that smoking in the home is not allowed but smokes in his allocated bedroom

    He sits with us in the sitting room, then goes and makes HIMSELF a cup of tea or coffee and comes back with his tea and a plate of biscuits, Not asking if anyone else would like something

    He emptied the whole fridge of free beer, never putting in a penny towards it (24 cans)

    Slammed the fridge door shut as he had eaten the whole cheese board and my wife had not replenished it, complaining that she should know he likes Edam and Lincolnshire crumbly not Cheshire along with not enough Danish Blue

    Then started on the bottles of wine, ranting he drinks Red and only white was in the fridge and went in the Huff but drank it all anyway

    He again offers nobody anything but likes pickles, though has not the man strength to open the jar so used our best kitchen knives to stab the jar top breaking the tips of the knives

    Made himself several what he thought was Bovril (only it was cadburys chocolate) so threw it all out and started on the real Bovril drink

    He is generous with Christmas presents but has no idea, he bought my 18 year old grand daughter a wedding dress (she has just started Uni)
    My daughters (40 ish) ballroom gowns (They are working Mum's)

    Myself he bought me four Gardening encyclopedia's all identical except by the author

    He then rants at me that SNP is the only way and (I) the English should shut up and go home

    Now I have confronted my wife, who says well as he has no Mum now he treats this as his HOME and would I not do the same at my mothers house NO I WOULD NOT

    I just do not know where to go from here

    Jack :-(
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      His manners are appalling and I would tell him that his behaviour is totally unacceptable.

      If I'd done that at my parents' home I would have been out on my ear in a flash!

      Apart from his manners being unacceptable I can't understand how he can have got through life with such an attitude. I guess that he doesn't have any friends.

      Unfortunately, it's your wife that you have the problem with as she appears to be the one that is stopping you from telling him. So you need to let her know that his appalling manners are making you ill and that you can't put up with it any more.

      There is no excuse for his attitude and your wife's comment is impossible for me to agree with.

      As regards your original question, he has broken all rules of etiquette and politeness.

      He, also, shouldn't be allowed to smoke in his allocated bedroom if you don't allow smoking in your house. I banned smoking in our house 44 years ago. This was because I really didn't like tobacco smoke (years before they decided it was bad for you). It upset a number of my aunts and uncles (I had lots of them) but only upset one sufficiently for her not to visit us again. Our smoking friends (not that many) accepted without any form of argument and if they really need a smoke they went outside or sat in their car and smoked. All our friends, but one, have given up smoking and he never smokes in his house or car, but smokes at least one cigarette every half an hour!!
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      • Beckie76

        Beckie76 Total Gardener

        Jan 26, 2015
        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
        Totally unexceptable behaviour, & may I just say I think you are the most patient person I know, I totally understand you being at the end of your tether.

        I cannot understand (from a women's point of view) why your wife puts up with it either! Ok I understand that he's not got he childhood home to go to but that doesn't mean he should treat your home as he does.

        I think personally you need to speak to your wife & make it clear that he's behaviour is totally unexceptable & that you've had enough of it! Make it clear that you will say something if she doesn't! You don't have to be nasty you just have to highlight that his behaviour & lack of etiquette will no longer be tolerated.

        Maybe next time he's coming over you could ask him to bring some beer/wine/cheese etc.

        I had my family over yesterday 2 didn't turn up....but hadn't let me know! They were 1hour & 15 mins late. One turned up straight out of his stinken pit of a bed & hadnt washed his hair/teeth/face & had dirty jeans on! Mother (has only been allowed in this house twice, long story) she thought she could prance around in her shoes...we don't wear shoes in the house, my niece had head lice (apparently her hair had been treated for this) my mum used my hair brush on her hair, now I can't use that brush until I've treated it just Incase, My uncle put his cup on my carpet. My niece didn't have any shoes on she turned up in slippers, went out to the hen run across the wet muddy grass straight in the house across the carpet....I shouted! I try really hard to tolerate everyone & be nice but it's so hard when we are so different. I cannot tolerate disrespectful behaviour, I feel your pain Jack & believe me it's not just your BIL! I hope you are able to get something sorted.
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        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          Smoking in his bedroom! Sorry Jack but that is out of the question in this day and age, as shiney says we never allowed smoking in our house, visitors know and go outside to smoke and I don't think I've ever had to ask any of them so your BIL is either selfish or ignorant or both.

          This would really get my back up, if it was me I'd exclude him from all meals and drinks you prepare, see what he has to say when there is no place laid for him at the dinner table.

          I realise it's your wife that has to confront this problem and blood ties are strong, but there are limits and he has gone way past them. Trouble is he is set in in ways and has been for years so it's either a short sharp shock i.e. tell him face to face or keep putting up with it which is wearing your patience thin and causing you both stress that will only get worse.
          • Agree Agree x 5
          • Everhopeful

            Everhopeful Gardener

            Mar 23, 2016
            Next time he appears have a list of jobs that he must help you with and start on one immediately. If you're canny enough about it he'll leave quickly. ;)
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              I don't think that your wife should deal with it but, with her agreement, you should deal with it - unless your wife feels that she should do it. It would be much easier on her, with it being her brother, if you handled it.

              If she agrees, you should take him to the pub and just try and make it a friendly chat. If he doesn't accept what you say and it becomes unfriendly you can then say he can't come back to the house - and you'll deliver his bag (assuming he came with one) to his house for him.

              That would keep your wife away from any nastiness.
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Oh Dear! They wouldn't get away with that in our house. No shoes, no cups on carpet (can't think that any of our visitors would even dream of doing it), late without notification means they have cold food :noidea: and/or don't get invited again. No one wants to miss one of my meals :heehee: and people that are delayed always phone.

                You want to change your family. :snorky:

                Head lice are an unfortunate situation that happens frequently with kids and is easily remedied (I used to give lectures about it :old:).

                House rule: shoes off at door with the only exception being invalid friends who can't remove their shoes. Nobody breaks that rule. Not friends, family or Mrs Shiney's patients. On Open Day there is one exception, helpers coming in and out all the time are allowed in the utility room and kitchen with their shoes on (tiled floors).
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                • JWK

                  JWK Gardener Staff Member

                  Jun 3, 2008
                  Unfortunately head lice are much more common than expected, its just that most parents don't mention them as there is a bit of a stigma. It's worse amongst girls even if their hygiene is good, with generally longer hair and being more touchy feely girls tend to catch them more often. Having said that our son had short hair when he caught them around 10 or 11 yrs old, with lots of attention to proper combing with a nit comb they went in a few weeks - the insecticides are pretty useless we were told. The rest of the things in your post are inexcusable though @Beckie76 - I do sympathise and recall naughty nephews coming around our house and delighting in kicking as many flower heads off in our garden as they could (they were teenagers then!).
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                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    We also have house rules for kids. :blue thumb:

                    They can do almost anything in the house or garden but no loud shouting (I've very sensitive hearing), no damaging things, no eating without permission and, above all, politeness is a must.

                    Running around the garden - no problem, using my computer - no problem, but with just a few restrictions, wandering around the house - no problem. If they want to use something that's in the house they just have to ask first.

                    Young nephews and nieces, great, and grand-great, nephews and nieces, friends' children etc. all enjoy coming to Shineyland and they know their boundaries. If they're doing something wrong whilst in front of their parents and the parents don't tell them, then I do!

                    The old fashioned ways are sometimes the best :)
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                    • Fern4

                      Fern4 Total Gardener

                      Jan 30, 2013
                      The gardener of the house!
                      Hi Jack ...Jesus what a pain in the neck!

                      He's obviously intelligent so he's not behaving this way out of stupidity. I think rather he's a self centred, selfish oaf and has got this way because he lives by himself so doesn't have to consider anyone else when he's at home. The fact that your wife is making excuses for him and letting him get away with it when he stays with you means that this is going to run and run unless you take the bull by the horns and have a word with him.

                      Keep is friendly and try appealing to his better nature (let's hope he's got one!). It's going to be tricky as you don't want to cause an argument with your wife. Even though he is her brother, I do think she should be taking on board how bad this is making you feel. If I was in the same situation, I would be having a stern conversation with my brother and would tell him not to bother visiting unless he shaped up! I do feel sorry for your wife though as she is stuck in the middle between the two of you.
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                      • Jiffy

                        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                        Aug 25, 2011
                        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                        Your house, your rules, if he doesn't want to play by the rules, make like hard when he's there ;) and for a lawyer, well, but there this day and age most people seem to break the rules and think it's fine :mad:
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                        • wiseowl

                          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                          Oct 29, 2006
                          Philosophy of people
                          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                          Good morning @Jack McHammocklashing you are not wrong my friend,if it were yours truly and it has happened to me on several occasions,I usually show them a yellow card as a warning,and then a red card(sometimes an Owl has got to do what an Owl's got to do)I feel strongly about this as Respect, as all my family and friends know is at the top of my list,he his disrespecting your home and you:sofa::old:;)
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                          • "M"

                            "M" Total Gardener

                            Aug 11, 2012
                            The Garden of England
                            First and foremost, it is very rude and extremely poor "etiquette". No wonder you are at the end of your tether with it!
                            The most telling comment is that he is allowed to treat it like his home. He's a grown man; an intelligent man; he has his *own* home - that is where he can do as he pleases and not answer to anyone. It is there he is King of his own castle. He is behaving (in *your* home) like a spoilt, selfish child!
                            If he cannot accept your house rules when he *stays*, then perhaps his visits should be reduced to a family evening meal only (and if distance is a factor, he can book in at a local B&B) until he can learn what your house rules are.

                            I can sort of understand your wife's position (Mum gone; treat it like home) because when my own Mother was dying, my (unmarried) brother was still serving in the Armed Forces and her home had been his domicile (naturally so). However, once she died, he had nowhere to call "home" when he wanted to return on leave. So, he used to come to me, would have all his mail directed to my address etc.., etc. But, he had to respect the fact it was my home, my family routines and our house rules. The "Mum's gone/its his home" changed when: he got a place of his own!

                            Seems to me that you simply have to re-emphasise the boundaries because they have become extremely blurred for all of you.

                            Good luck, Jack.
                            • Agree Agree x 3
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                            • CanadianLori

                              CanadianLori Total Gardener

                              Sep 20, 2015
                              Battle Axe
                              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                              No wonder the man never got married. What woman would put up with that boorish behaviour!

                              Does your wife really think that at his age he still needs a Mum? A man who is beyond middle age and a lawyer to boot?

                              I suggest that if the man typically lands on you, let's say the Saturday of a long weekend that if you are you able to afford it, take the little lady away overnight to a B & B. Let an empty house greet the uninvited guest or let him know that you will be taking a break from entertaining and maybe next holiday you'll be around... :)
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                              • Jiffy

                                Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                                Aug 25, 2011
                                Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                                I wonder what would happen if you did the same at he's place?
                                • Funny Funny x 2
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