seeing as i have planted stuff some has names on it, others dont and some things have come out of nowhere, so if you wouldnt mind letting me know what is what, and what is weeds and how best to get rid lol thanks 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:
Goodness! Here goes for guesses. 1) Euonymus? 2) Plant on right, aubretia? 3) Don't know 4) Dicentra Spectablis 5) Plant on left: Azalea 6) shrub: viburnum. Plant on right: Aquilegia 7) left: astrantia, centre: Grape Hyacinth, Right: welsh Poppy 8) Dunno 9) left hydrangea, Right, buddleja 10) candytuft I am sure you will get a lot more answers.
Can you get a closer shot of the plant in the top right corner of picture 4, and also a closer shot of the area either side of the fence post on pic 7? It looks like my arch nemesis (bindweed) but I can't make it out good enough at that scale. Pics 2 and 7 have some form of bramble in them. I also saw plenty of dandelions, and the very bottom of pic 3 has a Rosebay Willow Herb in it, and a snail trying decide which plant to have for its lunch.
for wht it's worth -and that isn't much, bad at id ing 1/euonymous 2/right-lobelia 3/ not sure which one you mean 4/Dicentra 5/on the left is azalea ( not looking too good a dose of sequestrine perhaps) 6/on the left is lupin-not sure which one you mean though 7/ no idea 8/ditto 9/ditto 10/hydrangea just sprouting first leaves.
Clueless1; I think you're right about the nasty bindweed in top right corner of picture 4. 6. The silvery leafed plant to the top right is Lambs Ears (Stachys Lanata) I think - there are a few of these on other photos. 6. The plant at the top middle is flat leaved parsley (again there are a few of these elsewhere).
That's not good John-I can't see where you and Clueless mean. Top right on pic four-I can only see a few blades of grass and a bit of what looks like caterpillar ravaged bramble leaf. Oh no. I can see a little heart shape on one of the leaves but perhaps an artistic leaf miner lol?
Yes I think its the heart shaped leaf miner eaten one - do you think the caterpillar has gnawed the bramble to resemble bindweed - you could be right! I can't make out the other bindweed in picture 7 though - maybe a close up is needed as clueless asks?
Good effort Claire ! I think theres no doubt about it being bindweed in picture 4 - my homegrown bindweed ( :( ) has got similar leaf miner damage. I can't make anything out in the other photo though, can you clueless1?
im lost lol i will take a close up pic of the areas if u want? what do i do about it, as asume its not nice to have
1: Euonymus 2: Kerria Japonica on left, aubretia on right (too early for lobelia Claire ) 3: Locicera / honey suckle on left, don't know what the yellow flower is on right (but I have some too!) Blottom left Dicentra, and middle-bottom a snail that you need to kill (or cook!) - seems to lvoe the slug pellets 4: Dicentra Spectablis Middle back is a bramble, or possible Raspberry. 5: Plant on left: Azalea. Blue is Grape Hyacinth, top left and top middle is Lambs Ears then to right of that bramble/Raspberry. Not sure what the yellow flower is, Anemone? 6: left is lupin, top right is Lambs Ears, far right Azalea. blue bottom middle is Grape Hyacinth "shrub: viburnum" I'm not seeing that 7: left: "astrantia" Not sure - could be delphinium?, centre: Grape Hyacinth, top right: Aquilegia, bottom right Lupin (and another aquilegia just in front of it by the paving slab) 8: Bottom left = Grape Hyacinth, Shrub on left is Viburnham I think, middle = aquilegia. Bottom middle dandelion growing next to the paving slab 9: not sure 10: left hydrangea, Right, middle-right buddleja 11 White flowers "candytuft" (I'm not familiar with that), just poking in on Right hydrangea
think the yellow plant on 3rd pic was meant to be alyssum mountain gold that 3rd plant is being eaten :(