If its raining and cold in Wales, I might still go in my garden, but if it is raining here (and assuming at not out at work or elsewhere), I will have a cup of tea and relax in the knowlege that I don't have to bother watering today.
I sit at the computer reading all the threads on GC that I haven't seen before and finding out all the things I have done wrong or could have done better :hehe:
It's also raining and cold in Birmingham. So today I will do all the other jobs I should have done but didn't because when the sun was out I was gardening.:o I'm a fine weather gardener and wouldn't even consider doing anything in the rain or cold.
When the sun is shining I want to be in the garden so I leave the housework - if it's raining I'm too depressed to do it anyway!! Works for me !!!
I Log on here to see all my friends,sometimes watch my Geoff Hamilton D V D,s ,Plan for the Future and think about the Past in my gardening mode,Take my four legged friends for a walk,Work In the rain thinking about my time in the Desert,and most of all count my Blessings:yho::thumb:
It is raining and cold here as well but unfortunately I am at work so I can't even potter about to get the little jobs done that need doing:( Roll on 5 o'clock.
If it's raining, I go through my planting plans and write notes all over them about what's good or not, what to move, add, implement etc. I also leaf through plant catalogues and old gardening magazines for a bit of inspiration. Oh, and I do the odd bits of housework that I never do on sunny days.
I bake on rainy days and watch my garden closely through the kitchen window and make plans most of which i forget when the sun appears. Well they don't call this the emerald isle for nothing you know:hehe:
There's no such thing as bad weather.... just the wrong clothes... ........... once your out there you dont notice it!
I have to agree with Quercus I have been told off for gardening in the pouring rain but if you're happy doing something the silly weather doesn't stop you thank goodness for that.Hel.xxx.