Where do I start?

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by Tiquitie, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Tiquitie

    Tiquitie Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 26, 2009
    Hello - how great to find such a friendly site full of useful advice.
    I'm hoping now you'll be able to help me too!

    I've got a small flat roof that I want to put pots of plants on, preferably things that will flower. But I know nothing at all about gardening, and the lavender and fushia I've put out so far have just died!

    I'd really like a book that will tell me the basics I need to know, so I can do some experimenting. Everything I've looked at so far seems to assume some level of knowledge and I really have none at all!!

    Can anyone suggest a good place to start for a total beginner? All suggestions welcome.
    Thank you
  2. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Welcome Tiquitie ,Interesting Name It has many meanings ,Welcome To GC,If you have any second Hand Bookshops near you that's the Place for Books or you can always start Here at GC,Many friends here to help you,covering every aspect of Gardening:)
  3. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi Tiquitie,

    If you have Sky, then the very best place to start is to watch the UKTV Gardens channel-there a loads of re runs of shows that we have all loved.

    I hope you enjoy the forum, and if you have a digital camera and can upload pics then half the battle is won.
  4. Organoponico

    Organoponico Gardener

    Mar 22, 2009
    Hi Tiquitie! I notice that you're from Brighton. You don't describe the aspect of your flat roof space where you will be gardening but two things come to mind: Is the roof is in full sun all day long? Or a bit of shade? And are you quite near the coast? So constant windy/breezy? These kinds of facts will help you discover what went wrong with your lavender and fuschia.

    I find that the internet is the best place for practical information so Google 'Container Gardening' and get stuck in. Also the local library will have loads of gardening books. You'll quickly discover that no one book is the be-all-end-all but rather lots of facts and inspiration from all kinds of sources.

    I used to have a roof terrace and really got into container gardening and I discovered pretty quickly that small pots, say 8" across or smaller dry out extremely quickly and I had some misfortunes so it's important to keep on top of watering, especially in hot weather and terracotta clay pots.
  5. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Tiquitie welcome to g c.:wlcm:

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