R U ahead?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    I don't mean are you a head? because lets face that would be a no brainer if you were just a HEAD, on the allotments you would need a reasonable strong body to go along with that head of yours what with all the work that's involve!:hehe:

    What I mean is how's things going down on your allotment or vegatable patch are your potatoes showing through yet? Are you behind with something? Have you still to dig an area over?

    Share your triumphs and woes with us here all it might just make you feel better to get things off your chest.

    As for Bob and I our 1st Earlies have just came through these last few days we only earthed them up a little with a bump-line to show us just whereabouts they are.

    Our red onions need to go in (just got to find room), Bob mothered the brassica seedlings to death but lucky for him the brassica bed needs another turn so not too much to worry about (lucky for him) .....oh and Bob needs to make a couple more raised beds for me .......pretty please.:luv:

    Share your triumphs and woes with us all on here it might just make you feel better to get things off your chest.Hel.xxx.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    All vegetable seeds sown as per plan, so far. I failed to sow carrots outside on time, but have done about 30 in paper pots and decided to grow some in a container to help them catch up.

    All vegetable beds prepared - far in advance of previous years, thanks mostly to the purchases of a Mantis Tiller.

    So that part, so far, is all good!

    Work on weeding the shrubbery coming on. Two more weeks left I think. Hard work as the weeds got away from us last year, and the soil is much more compacted than I had expected.

    Contemplating hiring a big rotator for the day to sort out the more open areas of the beds, and gain some time.

    Transferring plants from nursery to herbaceous bed 30% done. The nursery plants are getting larger by the day though, so I need to hurry up with this. But somewhat dependant on clearing the bed they are being moved to.

    Final sort out of the new front hedge now urgent. Going to get a mini digger in for that - to lift the herbaceous plants (now they are up and we can see where they are). Ground way too hard to contemplate lifting them by hand - it could be done but would take too long. And then level off so it looks smart - will then re-seed as lawn in the Autumn. Digger-owner has his digger out on another job :(

    Also keen to get a turf cutter this Spring and lift all the turf that has sunk - where the old pond was filled in, and several places where we have run heavy machinery on the lawn - add some top soil underneath and make it all nice and level again :) That's getting pretty urgent too, but I figure I can water the grass to get it to recover, if necessary, and it should only be up for a day or two, so that will be last.

    Failed to build a pergola overt he winter for the climing roses, so they are still in temporary position in the veg. patch. Annoying :(

    And then I just need to feed the pigs and get them ready to fly :)
  3. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    (Added pictures of where we have cleaned the soil :) and where we haven't :(
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Errr, sort of, I hope. I only have a veg patch in my own garden so shame on me if I'm not.
  5. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I think I'm a little late overall. Only just planted my spuds last weekend, but my excuse is that we still had productive winter cabbage and brocolli in the way and its seems such a waste to pull it up just to get the next crop in. The winter veg seems to have lasted much longer than normal - we are still picking brocolli in another bed. I got my onions out in good time and they are sprouting quite nicely (except for the blinking rabbit that dug a few of them up overnight).

    My tomatoes are coming on really quickly - the first set of flowers are just forming - they will have to go into the greenouse soon - maybe they are too early.

    I don't have an allotment, so its not so easy to compare my plot with neighbours like you can Hel. That must be a great advantage learning from other plot holders successes and mistakes through the season.
  6. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "the first set of flowers are just forming"

    That's good going! Mine were sown on 15 Feb and no signs of flowers yet - I think not enough light in my conservatory (double-wall acrylic stuff instead of glass, and it doesn't get full sun until lunch time).

    I should probably make the effort and take them to the greenhouse each day ... but I'm sure they will get biffed & bruised if I do that every day :(

    I bought a little gas heater this spring, but not organised to "deploy" it as yet ...
  7. Manteur

    Manteur Gardener

    Apr 15, 2009
    Pretty good really. I'm trying to avoid the mistake I make every year of of overplanting the very early stuff, then running short of space for the tender plants later on, but that means leaving empty ground, and I get impatient.
  8. Steve R

    Steve R Soil Furtler

    Feb 15, 2008
    Most important thing I have done is to get my name on a waiting list for an allotment, so hoepfully next year....

    In our own garden, I have built and planted a raised strawberry bed and there is just enough room for a row of beetroot too. I've planted some sacks with spuds (three varieties) and I have half a dozen tomato plants in the greenhouse (6-7 inches tall). I'm behind on the tomatoes, reading other topics around here I should not have grown them on in the greenhouse as it was still too cold at night..so I think they are possibly "checked".

    We have other Tomato plants on order that should arrive anyday now too.

  9. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    I have just read, whilst looking something else up in my Joy Larkcom, about Courgettes:

    "Sow indoors one month before last frost. There is no advantage to starting prematurely as plants are extremely susceptible to cold weather"

    I don't plant out anything half-hardy until 1st June "just-in-case" ... I sowed mine on 01-Apr, so that's TWO months :( ... and, looking at the seed packet it does indeed recommend sowing MID-April to end of May. Doh!

    I think its very early to get early-season-enthusiasm after the months of waiting on the starting grid during the Winter, there is only so much mechanic's duties that racing drivers can be bothered with - well, that's my excuse anyway!

    Off to find some monstrously large pots to contain them for another 5 weeks
  10. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I think that advice about courgettes is good Kristen. I've found really early marrows/courgettes just sit around looking poorly if started too soon, later ones will overtake and be much more productive - they don't like any sort of check to their growth. Pumpkins are the same family, but even more susceptible to the cold, so its worth waiting another month before sowing those.
  11. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    There's a whole 'body' of evidence that would suggest I am more than a head :wink::hehe:

    I am usually late with the limited crops I do as they are pot based and largely grown outside unprotected.
  12. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    Well i guess i still have lots to do!!

    Only dug over half my plot this year, however as the summer goes on i intended to dig the rest.

    I've planted my onions and potatos which are doing well :)

    I've also planted out some peas although not sure if i'm too early with those?

    Worst of all i had intentions of planting out some outdoor cucumber and corgette plants this weekend, is there any point? ie will they die????

    I live in Southampton so hoping the weather will be kind to me!
  13. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "Worst of all i had intentions of planting out some outdoor cucumber and corgette plants this weekend, is there any point? ie will they die????"

    Even in Southampton I think its too early. Both are very susceptible to cold, so even without a frost they may be severely checked and possible keel over completely!
  14. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    Took your advice and left them in the poly greenhouse for a bit longer.

    However, I did make some progress!!

    2 rows of early carrots planted and 1 row of main crop carrot.
    4 pumpkin plants planted
    Another row prepared for the next lot of peas
    Strawberry plants galore thanks to my kind neighbour on the allotment :)

    Today I’m hoping to prepare the bed for my sweet corn - is it ok to dig in some fish blood & bone to help them along when the go out?

    Today I’ll try and get some beetroot and spinach planted :)
  15. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Nice to hear how all you are getting on.
    Our tomatoes, peppers, chillies are taking over our greenhouse... the tomatoes are fine strong looking plants we have about five or six types growing I just need to wait for an friend to grow a couple of the yellow types for me in exchange for a couple of my Alicante toms..... fair trade I think.

    My beloved Bob has indeed made me another trio of raised beds which I am using as coldframes at the moment until all fear of frosts is over, I'll net some 'stuff' in the ground but I don't want netting all over the place.

    Horror of horrors the rabbits have tried to dig up our potatoes but now Bob's rabbit proof the whole of the paddocks so those well seasoned rabbits will have to find someone else's plot to sneak in and nibble other's onions and tatties.

    You're still a little ahead of me Adam I wouldn't dare plant out my pumpkins yet too many little'uns depending on them.:D

    Hope you get lucky Steve and your wait on the allotment list isn't too long, there's still vacant plots down on our site but very few people are crazy like Bob and I and are willing to take on plots that haven't been 'worked' for 30 plus years!Hel.xxx.

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