Globe Artichokes

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by beanie b12, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. beanie b12

    beanie b12 Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    I planted some young plants last year in the autumn on my allotment because they seem to do so well for everyone else on the site. This year i don't seem to have any growth at all, whereas everyone else's are already shooting. Is it time to give up and buy some more, or is it worth being patient for a bit longer?
  2. johnny boy

    johnny boy Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 25, 2009
    Hi Beanie

    I have found that splitting plants from other healthy ones is infallible. Sowing seeds can be a bit hit and miss (I shouldn't say that as I sell artichoke seeds) so for my own use I take a healthy plant and cut off side shoots with roots in spring and plant it in well dug and manured ground. It isn't too late now to try - go and bargain with one of the others on your allotment and if you are careful it won't affect their plant too much. Your plant should then remain productive for 5 years or longer but keep taking your own further cuttings to pass around.

    Good luck

    Johnny boy

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