Hi everyone, I'm fairly new to this gardening stuff, and I really think that it will be of great to have the support of everyone here to help me achieve something ! Thank in advance
Hi @Sim and welcome to Gardeners Corner You will get plenty of advice, support, ideas and most likely seeds, bulbs and cuttings from the gang here. We were all new to gardening at one time or another, so don't worry about that - there is no such thing as a silly question here really, if you need to know something (or are just curious even), just ask. We love photos (especially @wiseowl, @Sheal, @ARMANDII and @"M" to mention but a few), and love to see how your garden changes and progresses. Oh, and we love a good natter and a giggle in the General Discussion and Muppet Show areas.
Welcome to Gardeners Corner Sim. As FC says photographs are welcome, we love to see around other members gardens and of course they are a great help along side many questions too.
Hi Sim, Welcome to Gardeners Corner Not much else to add really, just don't be afraid to ask anything even if it's not gardening related, there are experts here on every subject you can think of ( and some of them are really old as well ) I'm sure this time next year we'll be seeing your garden in all it's beauty.
to GC @Sim If it is support to achieve something then you have definitely come to the right place I knew diddlysquat about gardening when I moved to my previous home 6 years ago and then ... I joined GC and have never looked back! I have moved again since then though but all the "practise" I put into that previous garden I have harnessed to minimise mistakes in this one. Just remember, we were all new to gardening at some point or other and there is no contest to see who knows more than anyone else here. So, grab a cuppa, have a good nosey around the forums; familiarise yourself with the search facility and dive in with any questions you may have or ideas you wish to share. Oh and ... enjoy!
I didn't mean you Loverly Sheal, I meant @ARMANDII, @shiney and @pete . They've got a combined age of 3 5 7 ....
Neither can Anthony, after 10 [ten] he's run out of fingers and thumbs and thinks his feet are for counting inches.