Broadway Tower,north Cotswolds. In laws are 'farmers' and this is their orphan deer with her new Dad....a Tup!:hehe: This young lady had just gone into labour as we were leaving. And this one already had been...
Brilliant photos Pal.Love the one of Broadway Tower and the little matchstick figures at the base and also the little lambs with their mum:thmb: and it is nice that the orphan deer has a new mum/dad:D
Blimey:dh:I forgot to tell you .....There were rustlers there during Sunday night ,they were disturbed and left lambs in the grass verge with their legs tied up but still managed to steal five ewes!...unfortunatly they left several lambs as orphans. Poor little critters are now waiting for dead lamb skins in the hope they will be adopted by other ewes.
Thats terrible Pal, there are some ruthless people out there. Id love to tie their legs up and leave them on a grass verge, where they would NOT be found.:wink: People like that make my blood boil Arrrrrr. The poor little lambs :cry: 02
Great photo's & mini stories as per Pal. I agree with with O2 I would string them up too. Why do they do it, (not a rhetorical question) is it to sell them for the meat? Horrible, horrible people. cheers