Garden fence advice

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by Keith Thomas, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Keith Thomas

    Keith Thomas Gardener

    Mar 9, 2017
    Co. Tyrone Northern Ireland
    Hi alll

    Wasn't too sure where to post this. My fence is rotting below the ground. This is due to the wetness in my garden and the fact that when they were fitted they were driven into the soil rather than concreted in. It was put up by the builder so can't blame him as it was built during the down turn in house prices.

    Anyways I have had an entire section of fence come down approx 36 ft. And the rest of the posts are weakened also. On the outside of my posts the farmers have tacked on sheep wire as I live in rural Northern Ireland at the base of the sperrins.

    I have decided to replace my fence with hedging to aid drainage and to cut down wind. As I have sheep wire up to prevent the sheep getting into the garden I'm planning on removing the horizontal fencing boards and leave the posts with the sheep wire. I think this will reduce the weight on the posts and hopefully extend the life of the sheep wire fence. What are people's thoughts?

    Cheers Keith
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Have you thought about what type of hedge you want?

    One idea I really like is the newfangled willow 'fedge '. Half fence, half hedge. It's basically live willow cuttings woven into a crisscross fence, planted directly. With better than 90% success rate, and very rapid growth, it means you get a lush green 'fedge' at the required height often in the first year. Then in subsequent years it obviously fills out a bit, and any holes that happen in it due to storms or livestock, you just fill them in with the trimmings that you cut off when tidying the rest of it up.
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    • Keith Thomas

      Keith Thomas Gardener

      Mar 9, 2017
      Co. Tyrone Northern Ireland
      I've my hedge and all ordered. Hadn't heard of that idea of fedge. I ordered a mix of hornbeam, hawthorn, dogwood and rose hedging. I then ordered some trees a mix of willow and red oak. I think everything should be ok in wet ground as far as I can see from the reading I've done.

      Cheers Keith
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