New Cherry Tree advice

Discussion in 'Trees' started by gazzak, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. gazzak

    gazzak Apprentice Gardener

    May 12, 2008
    Hi all, apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I was wavering between this one and the tree forum!

    We want to plant a cherry tree in our garden, and have decided on one called "Cherry Stella". I can get one for about £20, no problems there. However, the children have decided that they would like to grow one of these from a seed/pip, and watch it over the years as it grows and eventually produces fruit. Sort of a growing up project if you know what I mean, and I think it's a great idea.

    So my 2 questions are....
    1. Where can I get seeds/pips to grow one of these "Cherry Stella" trees. A search on google has literally been "fruitless". (sorry)
    2. If not a cherry tree, can anyone suggest something that would be good to grow from a seed and eventually grow into something beautiful over 5 or 6 years?

    Many Thanks
  2. Aesculus

    Aesculus Bureaucrat 34 (Admin)

    Apr 30, 2008
    Isle of Wight
    The problem with growing it from seed yourself is that it would not come true to the particular cultivar the seed came from

    For example:
    if I grew some seeds which came out of a granny smith's apple the tree which would eventually fruit would not produce the same apple but more than likely some small tasteless fruit

    and so it would be pot luck whether the tree ever fruited well or not as most fruit tree's as a rule are grafted onto rootstock

    as another option you could always take them out down some local woods in the autumn and collect some wild nuts and berries to grow like acorns or conkers:gnthb:

    I hope that made some sense as I think I've already confused myself:hehe:
  3. Prastio

    Prastio Gardener

    Sep 30, 2006
    Try a nut tree. You should be able to get a filbert, hazel or cob nut to germinate by just sticking it in the ground and get a few nuts off it after 4 - 5 years. A sweet chestnut will grow easily but you'll probably have to wait 20 years for it to fruit! If you want fruit, you could grow strawberries from seed, but they might be a bit small for your project team!

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