one for the girls....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by borrowers, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Have any of you got fingernails? I only 'grew' mine a few years ago and now they split and are covered in dirt:D

    I loved them when first grown but now they are a nuiscance, although quite good for picking out seeds:hehe:

  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Sandra,I don't like long fingernails or talons as I call them one bit.As soon as they get to a certain lenght they start to grate on my nerves and I have to reach for the nailclippers and get them shortened pronto:D

    I have worked with women who have grown them to such an extent that they struggle to even pick up pens and can't even write properly:euw:

    I don't even like seeing false finger nails either especially when they start to grow away from the nail bed.Someone told me once that lots of that sort of treatment doesn't do the real nails underneath any good.:p

    I have a friend who bites their nails right down to their moons,now that is gross:euw:

    There is a saying that women with good finger nails never do household chores but perhaps that is a myth:hehe:

    I always wear gardening gloves as I don't like to have dirt ingrained in my skin and I always do my housework :D
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I have long fingermails ... I manicure them daily and massage handcream into my nails so they don't go brittle. I don't wear nailpolish now that I don't go out to work as it can by drying. I do all the gardening without gloves (except when I'm pruning Lantana or Bougainvillea which is thorny) and I do all the household chores as I don't have a maid or manservant . :D I have relatively good handwriting and I paint (pictures not walls) so have to hold fine brushes.

    I also take Calcium tablets when I remember as that strengthens nails, hair, etc.
  4. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I grew a beard, but I'm not sure that's the same thing.
  5. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I now have short neat nails.( I used to bite them off but it was affecting my teeth) so my dentist says. LOL
    They are just a tiny bit longer than the end of my fingers.
    They look nice when painted if I go out.
    I normaly just wear clear varnish.
    I don't let them get to long I file them as soon as I feel they are getting in the way.
    I too find them a nuisance.
    I wear gloves as much as possible when outside to keep the soil and other nasties from going under them, when your time is split between the garden and the kitchen I think you have to be careful.
    I don't like long nails I can't cope with them the extra long false ones I think are ridiculous..
    How do they do anything with them. :scratch::lollol:

    Worst jobs I find with long nails.
    Bed making
    Pastry making
    Writing with a pen
    Putting on make up
    Carrying heavy bags
    The list could go on and on. :hehe:
  6. plant1star

    plant1star Gardener

    Mar 15, 2009
    As many years of working full time in gardens, my hands and nails have had a hammering. I rarely wear gloves, as there will be one day that I forget them, and my hands won't have the protection (from calluses etc) that they need, and could end up painful.

    I use fairly frequently Neutrogena hand cream, I find that it is one of the best on the market for me, and I have fairly soft skin on my hands, and I make sure that I rub cream all around my nails.

    I have the terrible habit of biting my nails when they get too long, but I don't bite them too short, and then I let them grow until they are too long again and then have to go!

    The worst thing for hands is wet grass (especially this time of year) as it is full of plant juices, and it stains your hands green, and then turns black. Lemons, plenty of hot water and soap works!
  7. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    I nearly choked on my hobnob then Clueless.

    I am pretty boyish in my manner of dress so don't bother with all of that, wear no makeup except if I'm going out, flat shoes or those sketcher pumps because they're easy to get on and I won't sprain my ankle wearing bunionmakers, scruffy jeans, tshirts or my hubbys shirts ( I will also nick his boxers if I can't find any underwear in my draw), hair tied up (rather scruffily) and basically as far away from womanly looking as it gets. I spend all my time in the mud so don't see the point-that and I have three young kids and just can't find the time. AH well, nevermind, maybe in the next one I'll be feminine lol.

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